Saturday, July 26, 2014

Musings from the book "Sadhguru"

I'd never heard of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev before my friend Vikas recommended some Youtube videos of his. And for the first time, I found a guru/yogi/mystic who could speak in intellectual terms so impressively. It was only later that I read and learnt that he hobnobs with the people on top; the ones who run businesses and governments. That he's been invited to the World Economic Forum. I read about the Isha foundation and that its headquarters is in Coimbatore, not far from Bangalore. Incidentally, a friend in Infosys also said he practices the yoga exercises taught by the Isha foundation and finds them useful.

Vikas also had lent me the book "Sadhguru", which was about Jaggi Vasudev's life. It was very impressive, and quite an honest and brutal account of Sadhguru's life. The author Arundhathi Subramaniam easily shifts between providing an factual, as heard, account, and clinically incisive analysis of Sadhguru's life and personality.

Some things I found very interesting in this book:
- Sadhguru is fond of snakes. That he could confidently catch them in his younger days. That he made good pocket money with it. And worse, that he had a snake farm in his house!

- Sadhguru is fond of fast driving. Be it motorcycles or cars. This is the facet that my (perhaps) judgemental mind finds disconcerting. A guru who still retains such fondness! Maybe he's just teaching us about the true nature of life; the spiritual and the material need not be different. Or maybe he's just a vividly confident person who has the gift of the gab! Likewise, his love for seafood, golf, good clothes, all challenge the usual image of a mystic.

- How the Dhyanalinga was consecrated. All the things said about how the chakras in the nadis (life energy streams within the spinal cord) of 3 people initially and later just Sadhguru and his disciple Bharathi were brought and woven together, and are now held on like a living energy force by the Dhyanalinga.

- The incident of his wife's mahasamadhi. While the mouna-guru's mahasamadhi is touching, this one again the "logical" mind finds hard to believe.

- The presence of disembodied beings around the ashram during the performance of practices for the Dhyanalinga.

- Sadhguru's memories and recounting of his past births. His justification of how he is here to fulfill the Dhyanalinga process

- About black tea curing the poisonous bite.

For sure though, Sadhguru has psychic capability as recounted by a lot of his disciples. He clearly has ready wit and impressive speaking skills.

I want to believe all that he says and has experienced, for I believe that is truly how life runs (energy chakras). I'd like to join the Isha yoga course some time.

Let's hope Sadhguru is here to guide as many souls he can. I'm grategul to God for such an opportunity, to learn from a master

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