Tuesday, November 27, 2018

As you see children grow, you realise "you" don't change

When you see a relative after years
And you wonder how time has flown
Don't stop wondering, for you are close to truth

Realise that something, within you hasn't changed
Even if they, and the mirror says otherwise

Reflect on what, is that something
For that is where, the answer lies

Sunday, November 25, 2018

A day's routine

The early morning walk, in crispy morning chill
The sip of chai hot, to warm you up from inside
The meditation on Sun, the japa of the Mantra
The refreshing bath, and the warm breakfast

Prayers to your deities, protector of your family
The hurrying off to work, the coming back to gym
The early evening supper, after relaxing bath
The talking to your family, and a little bit of film
The cuddling up to book, and drowning into sleep

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Hair cutting salons' sales pitches

Too many are the salons I've been to where the barber makes desperate attempts to cross-sell. The customer ends up cringing as we are stuck to the seat and tired repeating "no".
It also makes the customer conscious as many a time the barber makes negative comments on the customers hair in order to sell other services.
For example saying that you have lots of grey hair or it's full of dandruff etc.
Effectively the bad memory means the customer does not go back to the salon.
This is something salon owners should know. They should train their barbers to ask one question: " Would you like any other services like a hair colour or shampoo". If the customer says "no", stop bothering him/her anymore!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

The contented settling...

To tell apart the freshness of infatuation with love
Like appreciating the tubelight in sunlight

The routine day, lacks the mirthful pain
The laughing at common things, unlike the glee of day-dreaming mind
The realisation of being trapped, not half bad as crushed heart
The joy of feeling complete, much better than restless pining

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The way to live

Let there not be judgement
Of why that happened and who got what

The aim of life is to burn out Karma
And not to build new ones

Selfless service be the action,
The purpose and the Sadhana

Be free from desire, and calm of mind
And gain a happy life and Moksha

Monday, November 19, 2018

In the blink of an eye

In the blink of an eye was the whole field wiped out
Decades and generations of technology notwithstanding

A reminder belated to those who looked down upon the spiritual
To those who exploited Nature supported by the empirical

The path of the righteous will always be protected
Their lives blissful and souls elevated

Sunday, November 18, 2018


Sharadamba Devi, Guru of the Jagadguru
Purify my mind, set free from Vasana
Bless my heart, grace it as thy abode

As a Mother please protect, me from going astray
As a Guru please bestow, the Jnana of Moksha

Lead me, my way, my spoken word be yours
Guide me, this life, every action be  yours

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Eating only fruits at night

In one of the spiritual talks I heard a reference that:
- One who eats twice a day is a Bhogi (Rajasic deluded in world pleasures)
- One who eats thrice a day is a Rogi (Tamasic who is bound by negativity)

Medical science also asks to keep a four hour gap before a meal. Jain teachings advice is to have your last meal before sunset. Even Akshay Kumar claims our stomachs don't need anything after 6pm in the evening.

Well, I've used the recuse of migraine. But as my age increases and metabolism slows, it might be a good idea to stop indulging at night.
I even feel the stiffness and slightly constipated especially in winter season, with the current food habits, where one isn't going to bed hungry.

I'm also not a fan of the evening cook.

So overall want to give the evening fruits-dinner, or at least light-dinner mode a try.

It would be interesting to see the results. And to hear from others whom I try to recommend this, about their experiences.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Sun bloomed morning

The dew drops hadn't started drying yet
The mist was still in midst of them
Not clear to eyesight the foggy morn
As if the clouds had come down to rest

And then this bright one rose from bed
Spreading his rays around the horizon spread
The crimson yellow dawn han broken
Witness the birds and flowers beholding its grace

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Poverty is the greatest disease

Keep aside the excuses of Karma. They do not apply as even Karma Yoga prescribes selfless service.
Poverty is the greatest disease a human life can withstand as it breaks not just the body, but also the self esteem, morality and self worth of an individual. It is the duty of every privileged person, and by which I mean any person who is able to earn a living, to spend a portion to uplift the underprivileged. We must all learn and abide by the Islamic tradition of Zakat for this. Which requires a person to donate a third of his wealth in charity. This is very much needed to equitable living.
And no, it won't be that you'd be giving away your hard earned well deserved money to someone who hasn't. Remember that you are at this place because of the opportunities you received. If you just look out of your balcony you will find many labouring much more than you in the intense tropical heat. It's not that they do not have the intelligence to do the work you do. You got the opportunity via God's grace to get yourself educated to have this job. While you must give back by doing your best towards your country, you must also give back to those who labour and work so hard while trying to make ends meet. Those who did not get the opportunities you got in life.
And no, you won't be doing them a favour. You'd only be favouring yourself in every way:
- The scriptures say that a person becomes wealthy only because his forefathers gave a lot in charity. That's how the law of Karma works. So by being charitable you would be benefiting your coming generations
- You will have peace of mind. You will feel the blessings come to you in the relaxed sleep and good health
- You will have self esteem. You will have confidence to motivate others too on this path of charity since you would be walking the talk. Which in turn will earn you more punya

Please do make it a habit and contribute!

Friday, November 09, 2018

The Genius and Irony of Nature

It is truly the Genius of Nature in setting the source of happiness within us, than in external sources.
And it is the Irony of Nature that this Truth is kept hidden from us.

Nature wants Continuity. And in order to keep that, it needed to generate Desire. And Desire is always due to a sense of incompleteness. And the true understanding that quenching this sense of incompleteness will give Happiness.

Now to ensure Continuity, Nature has to keep Desire alive. Once Happiness is achieved the net effect is tranquility and no more having any Desire. So the feeling of Incompleteness that gives rise to Desire has to live, and keep living in every life, in order to ensure Continuity of Nature.

And this feeling of Incompleteness will live if the Truth of the source of Happiness is kept hidden; if the mind is kept confused by feeding it a sip of Bliss by fulfilling small desires.

The Truth though is to realise that Happiness is Within. The needs of the body, the mind, of those around are illusions from the absolute aspect. This is why those who taste the highest bliss in Nirvikalpa, over time shed the body.

At a more pragmatic plane, that is why the rich have hollow lives if they live chasing external fame and fortune. And the poor, even with little, are filled with so much joy.
The secret to a start is to understand that Happiness is within, just like all the sorrow and complaints. And to choose Happiness is our choice, by slowly reducing and letting go of Desires and Wants and Expectations and Complaints.

Thursday, November 08, 2018

Of Goals realised

This vast country, that gained independence
Standing on shoulders of leaders idealistic
But later run by leaders who were first selfish

Has it managed to live up to goals
Of values and cherished desires
Of equality and equal opportunity to all
Of justice and freedom to be free to all

I am held back in thought, that we are still governed
By powers and ideals that are completely foreign
Our money and people, both flying abroad
What is left if the best, think of only themselves
If we not create and export, how will economy thrive
If we not uphold our traditions, how will culture survive

Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Of repression and freedom

Repressed desires, of what be the gain
If sitting isolated, but mind be in pain

Truly let go, when the time be it so
Work with the senses, and control their flow

Looking back, nor looking forward
Be in the moment, and enjoy the glow

Want nothing, whatever comes and goes
Know yourself, as witness to the core

Friday, November 02, 2018

Loneliness their friend

A loneliness where they wouldn't let anyone walk into
A loneliness their consider their own, as their one true friend
A loneliness that gives them most comfort, where they want none to enter

Beware of this loneliness, and such minds who have embraced it
Beware as it can poison, if you escape even with these minds
For this loneliness has pervaded, the very mind you thought rescued

And with this illness, such mind will infect you
With misery and regret, and finally inflict you
With-you guessed right-this very loneliness they wallow in

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