Monday, June 26, 2017


There was not one mind, unkempt, untrained
With concentration ferocious, they all did strain

Yet just hundred, or perhaps a thousand today
Made the cut to top ranks, choice of stream and place

Was mine a dream too, but some best unfulfilled
The important thing being, the dream was that Big!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

The revenue country impact on films

The film industry in Bharat no longer makes the big money by focusing on the domestic market alone. Films have to be made by keeping the fan following from international audiences.

Such international appeal money also naturally leads to improvement in the technical aspects of film making: choreography, fights, locations.
It also tends to attract the best talent in music and singing.

This invariably also leads to films being made based out of those locations where the fan (read: the money) is located. This is specifically so for regional audiences who otherwise have just the regional state as their revenue source, versus say the Hindi film industry which can count almost the whole country as their market.

In general, Telugu films thus rely on US, Tamil films on the Singapore, Malaysia markets, Punjabi films in Canada and Malayalam films on the Gulf market. This is just representative to point out the major source of foreign revenue and not to claim that (say) Tamil or Malayalam films don't get released or don't earn much revenue from US.

The risk now in this is that it automatically shows only the glossier, and immediately visible developed side of these countries. The natural effect in 80% of the audiences then is to develop a distaste towards living conditions in Bharat and an aspiration to relocate to those countries.
In some ways this is good because the general population starts pushing their elected representatives asking why conditions can't be better and at least comparable to those shown in the foreign locales. But the downside is losing the talented folks who consider it as a lucky escape once they are able to relocate. Of course which is not the right choice for those reasons, as happiness is subjective and not an objective feeling.

The other point to note is how the revenue source and hence storyline changes when the immigration equations change. For example, Malayalam film industry which traditionally has depended on lower class labour force in the Middle East and was already short on big money, gets further hit when Gulf policies are to send back these laborers.

Friday, June 23, 2017

One more time

One more time, you will play in my lap
One more time, I will give you your bath
One more time, we will play hide and seek
One more time, I will guide what you seek

You are your brother, my one more child
A lifetime's wait has this, life borne fruit

I can't wait your brother, says for all that he wants
I can't wait to love you, One more time all over!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Of Love

For the reason that the rivers moisten the soil
My eyes wet ecstatic for that touch of love

There was never a time when I was not brimming
Oh for the moments I lost, sad and complaining

If there is one feeling we must all touch upon
It is of Love, hopeless, timeless, encompassing!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Our Body, just a Vesham

As a dress that we like to wear
We adorn and wash and throw at will
Thus this body, we carry through life
Why obsess, why crave, the grave is its

I see so many, sweat in gyms
With one sprain of strain, they walk with a limp
Do what's needed, for health of body and prana
Do not overdo, those muscles that you leave back

The impressions are what we carry through lives
Know this, habituate, meditate what's worth
Live life of purpose, this exalted goal
Of truly liberating, both body and soul

Monday, June 12, 2017


Immoral is not he, when he sleeps and pays a Veshya
Immoral is the one who, covets his neighbor's wife

Immorality is not when, he burns his life in cigarettes
Immorality is the making, money off the smoke that kills them

Don't lecture others on morality, lessons no one sought for
Just see within and look for, the true intent of mind

Nothing sticks to us

No matter what, the ups and downs
The memories you cherish and even ones regret
Both insults and kisses, and even all you learn
They all will erase, be it in your lives or mine
Nothing oh nothing, sticks to us

So hold back not, this world can laugh
But even they hold back, in secret regret
Go out and live, in this playfield
You got this life, to live simple and full
For you be sure, Nothing sticks to us

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Why worry, you are just the witness

When we Realise, there was no one else
Your father, mother, all you loved are You
The one you hate, the one you abhor
Are none else, but only You

This universe, it's creation destruction
Concepts you yourself have created
Why grieve, why fear, when all these too
Emotions you yourself have created

We all are One, My own projection
I stand as witness, and will take you in
Rest assured on creation, as only a dream
And an awakening, a concept of Time

I'm sure it's tasty, but..

The taste of desire is ever lasting
As long as you live on this planet

Engulfed by Maya, there is no escape
The only freedom is to stay apart

It's just like one chooses to keep away
From those that addictively ailing
The cigarettes, the drugs, the alcohol
We know them tempting if you once start

So too stay away from food formed animals
Our bodies were never, built to eat them

So too stay away from stress, anger and lust
Our minds were never, build to bear them

Devi Blessings

Blessings, O Devi, I seek from your feet
My prostrations, My prayers
For your kind eyes to shine upon
This devotee of thee

I am your child, my Mother please see
Caress me as a baby, smiling on thy lap

There be no desires, let me be free
Free me Mahamaye, from this world's retreat

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

No genius

Come there is no genius
We are all, come here with mental states
Accumulated over lifetimes not years

We come here to exhaust Karma
Not understanding we termed genius
Live and die confused

Think we are special but really not
Only as special as each one is

Recognise and devote in pursuit of the divine
Once you fulfill the grace gifted

Monday, June 05, 2017

Fresh Peace

The grayed out clouds' gloom even while the evening sun shines. The jaundiced shade to the day, while one expects (and prefers) orange.

Just a drip of raindrops enough for the earth to emanate the sweetest scent.

I wonder why we just can't sit together, share and stare..

Why the blood letting and angst, when even sin can be confronted by a stern but happy will!

Sunday, June 04, 2017

The One experiencer

Make good the promises
  Of the births gone by
Travails have been various
  Of soul tormented by life
You are the one, just the only one
  Experience and then die
Only to come back once again
   Into that tireless circle called Life

Friday, June 02, 2017

The Fearless Swami

Where there be no tiptoes, but the heart of a lion
Where nothing to hide, blow the winds all they want

Face them all, be there no enmity
I have walked a long way, not to brawl and to die

There were many a reason, to stay back and to laze
There were many a reason, to sustain home and the hearth
But there was just the one inspiration, a Swami from gone by
Who stood up to fear, to weakness and to death!

I've switched to

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