Sunday, October 28, 2018

Beautiful dancing Lake

The lake has now grown up in size
As a youth dancing in waves
Its joy and mirth a resplendent grace
Converting sunlight into a dazzling maze

May your waters be in ever bloom
Bestowing solace to witnessing eyes
May it nourish the parching roots
A wave of green embellishing beauty

Monday, October 22, 2018

The Jivamukta

The Brahma Jnanis, the Jivamuktas
Those that can appear more that one place at once
Those not bound by time space and body
Those that appear even long after physical death

These Brahma Jnanis, these Jivamuktas
They live and dissolve in bliss and love
They see all as one and none beyond
They transcend Maya free from desire

Be thus, O devotee blessed
Be thus, as all pervading self
Be thus, convinced and absorbed in self
Be thus, ever a guiding light

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Pleasure a fruitless pursuit

In the evening Sun
Looking at your pleasing face my son

I realised the pursuit of pleasure as fruitless
Time wasting and disturbing to the mind's peace

I realised the pursuit of bliss far more fulfilling
Satisfying, elevating, an upholder of self esteem

May the Gods and Goddesses give me their grace
The fortune to enjoy the bliss far supreme
The resolve to avoid false gifts of the world

The Black Hole and Consciousness

This post I hope will lead to a series. This post is to investigate the link between the Black Holes in the universe with Consciousness.

The conclusion I'm coming to is that the mysterious Black Hole where time, space and matter converge into "nothingness" is the seat of Universal consciousness. Similar to the thumb-sized Jiva residing in the heart.

The Jiva is the subtle body that has come with its load of impressions from births past. It transcends time, space and matter and yet is hosted in these three. You can't see, detect or perceive it.
The Black Hole likewise seems to absorb an imploding massive physical body as a star. And as we know, there are many such Black Holes owing to many such stars. This is at the level of physical objects and how they come to a convergence of time and matter.

In Consciousness too, we talk of how a single Paramatman or Brahman is what appears or manifests as the multitude of Jivatman that manifest life. At the beginning of the Yuga (if one can say so in terms of time) they are all converged into a single Brahman/Paramatman. There is no difference at the time be it in the sense of space, causation. Whether in terms of time or not, theoretically not, but needs better understanding.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Embodied in this being, i the vital self

Embodied in this being, I the vital breath
The Prana, life giving force
That runs every function of this machine the body

I'm the fuel that runs the car
I'm separate, not this body which is just a vehicle for me
And I'll leave this body
When it longer can serve my purpose

I am the true you, I'm not the one you see in the mirror
I am the one searching for myself, I am the one asking

And know that you, the true I, am immortal

Advaita doesn't deny others philosophies. It's only at a higher plane of understanding

Advaita does not deny any philosophy. It is time Hinduism / Sanatana Dharma stopped fighting within itself.

The other thing Sanatana Dharma should learn is to allow conversion, accept those who love and want to embrace its philosophy and way of life.
Advaita is a subtler, higher realm of philosophy within Sanatana Dharma that simply conveys below: The subjective Self that you feel yourself as is Brahman. And Brahman is all there is.

This is such a powerful statement!

A word of caution that when it says Self, it doesn't mean the individual person, but that Brahman is the common self that pervades all existence, nay is existence itself.

It doesn't deny that as one is spiritually progressing, one will definitely need the support and grace of the Gods of dualism. You will see many Advaitins are also great Bhaktas. They do very much believe that these Gods exist. Advaita is only attempting to explain the deeper secret or the essential principal of the reality. So it's called the Ultimate truth, so as to not deny that Dvaita also is truth!

With this in mind, let's all move forward, spread the word, accept many more into the fold, and further enrich Sanatana Dharma.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

You are the prana, the vital breath possessing this body mind

As the first step towards dissociating with the body, is to keep associating yourself as the Prana that is embodied. As the inner force that is guiding all actions and thoughts.
Then the next powerful association is with the mind. Break it up with the witness behaviour as watching your thoughts.
Someday the grace will arrive to realise that even the witness is a reflection of what you truly are, a complete irreversible freedom!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Why the feeling of incomplete
What curse of Maya is this
When all was not to be well
Why Maya plans such path

Why so much effort when
In the end it means not
Why all these games when
The very purpose liberation

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Google Plus closure - wrong decision

Read in the news that Google Plus plans to close down because of the security breach in March of some user accounts.

I believe in these situations companies should let impacted users know and have them change password and beware of any impact due to the breach. These users may then opt to not use these products / services citing loss of trust.
However, I'm surprised why Google Plus shut down this service itself.

For one, it has been the closest competitor to Facebook. Google Plus' concept of circles was the closest to the real world. Where you have circles of work friends, home friends, relatives, etc some of whom overlap. I really liked it.
The other was the concept of communities (aka Following in Facebook, which isn't really an intuitive name).

The only reason really Google didn't come close to Facebook was because it had lost the early mover advantage. Also Facebook did keep bringing in newer features with Google Plus just playing catch up.

I always thought it could have limited the Google photos unlimited images option to only Google Plus users. This would have helped the social network gain more traction

Nonetheless, Google Plus always had the option of building on its relatively lower user base with design enhancement ideas before competition catches on. That's ever the advantage of being the underdog. And until then, keep cost low with lights-on support.

I hope Google revisits its decision on these considerations.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Inviting trouble

Your problems will come by itself
Don't go and invite them for yourself

If you see a troubled soul, offer help
But don't involve and jump into the well
Else their karmic bonds, will wring your neck

Well all said and done though
All happens in nature as meant to
These words may help those meant to survive
Others will drown whether reading or not

Sunday, October 07, 2018

Destiny persists

Your shy smile and twinkling eye
I saw in someone and remembered today
For a moment untouched, that memory dusted
It shone as mirth, in my heart today

Lifetimes pass, people meet
And separate because, of Karmic wills
But that memories live, and fulfill destinies
Is what I learnt in a flash today

Saturday, October 06, 2018

Elders take decisions even if painful for the benefit of their children

The best example is when a child needs an injection or even a surgery.
The parent, despite the bond and sensitivity to how much pain the child would go through, gives permission to the doctors to go ahead.
The parent is rational, looks at the longer term as to what's better for the child, and accordingly makes the choices.
Also the reason why parents let the children leave the country in pursuit of better pastures. Despite knowing that they'd have lost once and for all, support of their own children during old age.
It is up to the child, now an adult, to make the choice as to what's the correct decision, for the long term, in this case, balancing between giving care to parent or comfort to the child.
If you are in a war zone or impoverished country, the choice is a no brainer, in the interest of continuity of life, to leave your native until the situation gets better, if at all.
In countries like Bharat though, the choice should definitely lean towards coming back to take care of parents. Not just because the country is safe, with development opportunities, and culturally better to bring up children. But also because our culture is rooted in taking care of the aged.

An artist

An artist's is the heart that pains
Without sensitivity can't an artist be
Painting a picture irrespective of time
Doing a task for the joy of mind

Who expresses the Love
Who cares not for reward
Whose art is the very reward
Who just wants to just let be

So an artist is, encourage and nourish
Trouble him not, his soul is already pained
And he will create for you, timeless wonders
Ones transcending time, that no gratitude can repay

Friday, October 05, 2018


Do service without expecting return
Do not feel others got more for same

There is work meant for you
There is reward set aside for you
There is expense owed by you
There is gratitude due to you

All will come in their due course
Whether you like it or want it not

So focus instead on breaking the cycle
Of making sure you build not burden
So focus instead on giving not taking
And letting go even the result to God

Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Subtle bodies

The subtle bodies that elders see
Are they too unreal, as a schizophrenic's visions
Or these aged blessed, as they move closer to God
But these manifest as fears, for what they see feels genuine too

Why do these spirits roam, could they not let this attachment go
To body discarded and senses linked, or afraid to see what awaited beyond
May that be as it were, may the subtle spirits be blessed
May they accept, and happily leave

May the elders here be free from fear
And happily ready to end journey here

Monday, October 01, 2018

Cherished children

My greed to see you run, will never tire my son
Or to watch you letting the sand, slip through your hand

Blessed I have felt, your sight in midst of life's strife
Blows off my tiredness, your laughter my dear child

May you keep happy, blissful and peaceful
My blessings if empowered, may they shower upon your path

I've switched to

Dear reader, I've switched to WordPress upon getting the pop-up that the current Blogger app is not configured to the upgraded version ...