Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Where did we lose ourselves..

Who cares for the lonely soul
Walking in the scorching sun
Who cares whether he's eaten or not

Who thinks of his age and caste
When he has no money to show
Who wants him to be theirs to care

There was once a country who created Guest as God
There was once a people who would feed the passerby

Who was that crying baby
Who is this father lonely
Why is this mother crying so bitterly

Who wants your books and knowledge
What for your health and lustre
When not a poor soul you serve

This was once a spiritual abode for us all
This was once the richest place for our souls..

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Of divine beauty, is eternal Bliss
Ever peaceful, serene and Complete
Unshaking, Irrespective, of storm around
Realizing, Forever, my life abounds

I never was, tied to this Power
I ever Fulfilled, silent watchful
Forgetting true nature, if say so I may
Searching, worried, for what already I am

Sunday, December 04, 2016

The Farmer in the City

This is a story I tell my son. This is a story economists should tell their protégées. This is a story law-makers should contemplate upon: A story of self-sufficiency vs consumerism:

There was once a farmer, who lived in a small village. Happy, healthy, and provided, he had his home and his farm. He had clothes and simple meals to eat. He woke early, prayed and got to his farm. He felt the rush of happiness after a day's tiring work. He met people, they talked and sang God's name together. He meditated and slept well.

And then came his school-friend, who'd come to this native. And lure him, the friend did the farmer, to the merits that await in city. Uncourageous he taunted, had the farmer been all life. And so the farmer took this, his old friend's advice. And off he left for "high-lands", if only for a few weeks at first. The friend bade him farewell, as he stayed back on vacation.

Day 1 the farmer spent, watching all day TV. Never had he been, in such big hotel rooms.
But by end of day he felt, the eyes tired and burning, and yet the body lazy.
He slept not well, he realized for once, what sleeplessness meant.

Day 2 the farmer decided, he should spend out shopping. Never had he needed, as all his money did spend.
By end of day with guilt, he rushed back at the shock.
The cherished value for money, he had all but lost.

Day 3 the farmer made up, will be spent in watching. The beauty he had come for, the life that city promises.
And ate he all he could, and walked about in boredom.
For what beauty lies, buildings lined in space crunch.

Day 4 he learnt illness, what he'd hardly known in life
For no sweat was he breaking, and only junk been eating

Day 5 he set out, to buy his own vegetables
And realized that money's, not fair like barter exchange

I'm reminded of Khaleel Dhantejvi's Ab Main Ration ki Qataaron mein Nazar aata hoon (YouTube Link)

Day 6 he sat sulking, at the cost of city life
(A habit he had not known)
And what he gained, and what he lost
At arriving here on friend's advice

Not wait for Day 7 did he,
Rushed back to village he did
And found his friend recuperating
Detoxing addictions and diseases

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Rediscover Life, through the eyes of a Child

The child's eyes, are an opener to ours
With innocence we've lost, they look out for us
And point out the beauty, in smallest of things
Enlighten with curiosity, what we'd taken for granted

The vision of children, and what they love most
Is what we should aspire, and drive forces toward
They don't want gadgets, but only our time
They take out our patience, to only fill it with joy

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Questions and Clarifications on Advaita Vedanta - 1

Have been listening to a lot of wonderful Youtube videos on Advaita Vedanta by Swami Sarvapriyananda: Drig Dishya Viveka (YouTube Link) and Aparokshanubhuti (YouTube Link).

Some of these do lead to questions, which is both a natural and healthy process for any learning and growth. As I hear most of these videos when I'm in commute, I want to document questions I remember and clarifications I receive for those in individual Blog Posts.

So here goes:

  • Q: We say that there is blankness in deep sleep. And the mind is turned off. How then, if there is stomach pain, do we wake up from sleep. When we say that mind controls the senses, and the mind itself is turned off. While the consciousness is not connected to the senses
  • Q: We say the mind turns off during deep sleep. And so Brahman has nothing to reflect upon. Now how does the mind turn back on: does Brahman do it or does it happen by itself (either by the mind-matter or the Jivatman as proposed by VishishtAdvaita)
  • Q: If Sukshma Shareera (Mind) transmigrates from birth to birth, why aren't memories from the previous birth retained.

Any answers from readers welcome

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Narasimham series Part 8: The visit to temples

Part 7 | When I came out of the meditation, did I realize. What seemed like eternity, was just a few moments passed. And such is the beauty of true meditation, the ability to grasp the Source. I stood up now quite sure. The dawn had just broken, and the crimson sun was on the rise. The Devi and Narasimham temples would just have opened. I performed my ablutions in a nearby stream. Quenched my thirst, my hunger long mastered. And briskly darted to the temples at visible distance. The Narasimham temple was first, to express my gratitude. Though for reasons unknown, it was he who protected, this mortal life at risk. As I sat in quietness, within the sanctified temple premises, I felt that bliss again, settle deep within. The temple pujari I knew, but he too knew I'd renounced. So there was a surprise in his look, but the priority were the morning Abhishekam. When the pujari stepped out of the sanctum, he suddenly startled looking at me. And down fell the thali, with the kumkum he was getting for me.. 

Life is Short, Keep it Simple

From the brushes off painting are countless insects destroyed
Not a step in life, where death we can avoid

Yet cling on to mortal, do we day and night
Yet greed and vice pervade us, next generations not in mind

Not every quarter needs growth, there is a life to fulfill
Let not the short gains blind side, the beauty that lies within

Not every thing of beauty, would be any much in sync
Realize the need and hope to, keep this life simple

Sunday, November 13, 2016

The point in meditation when you transcend time

There is that time, when sat still in peace
Be it meditation, contemplation or prayer
Comes an event that transcends time

This does come, when engrossed in work
This does come, when blithe in play
But the experience that comes, when you meditate
Takes you the closest, to the source of power

It's like how, the alarm rings in morn
And one awakes amazed
Wasn't it a minute before I slept

Rested and refreshed
Is meditation greatest
When you connect with the truth
When you embrace bliss forever

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Silence and Sound

As I walk in a moonlight night
With the scent of night-bloomed flowers
An eerie silence makes me restless
As one that looks at sound for peace

Silence deafening, silence maddening
Silence if this was before creation
Then this silence I do not cherish
This this silence I do not want

This life is opposites, it's wicked and wise
This life is balance, it's both act and rest
Look not for only, the strive to escape
Live well the life here, do serve to help

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Lessons from the movie The Pursuit of Happyness

IMDB Link: Indeed, a most touching movie. A man who loves his son and aspires to set things right from the financial perspective. His struggles with homelessness, and the very fact that all this is based on a true story.

The tragedy of having to fail in a difficult marriage, of losing equipment that are his livelihood, of having to give away $5 to a boss, something which he cannot afford. Staying in shelter homes, even once in a public was absolutely hearbreaking.

Vindicates from the many acts where what he lost kept coming back, and that he was still able to give his child joy, that if you hang it, you'll make it.

Was very pleased to read that the protagonist, entrepreneur and finance expert Chris Gardner based on whom this movie was, made it big in life and is still an influential figure (Wikipedia Link).

Spoiler: The movie has a happy ending

PS: His struggle is emotionally overwhelming, the mere thought of the scenes in the movie fills me up. Can't write all in a single sitting. Might have to keep coming back to edit this article

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Lessons from the movie Thor on Bharat-Pak relations

I see the rhetoric of Bharat-Pak relations going the wrong way..a recent viewing of the movie Thor (IMDB Link) was a stark reminder that while war might objectively have a win/lose result on the face of it, if you go deeper the losses are more than what it's worth.

Defending one's nation is paramount. I'm not one to say to be submissive. But diplomacy should be the strategy than formal army-led "surgical strike" machismo.
There might be a lot of mileage being sought or not, but the move in itself was not good. Instead, RAW-led disturbances, or at the very least, not making global news of it should have been the restraint shown.

Indeed, was very happy with Pak acknowledging the global isolation that Indian diplomacy was aggressively moving to. It's a tragic story there, where the elected democrats are more puppets at the hands of the army and radical clerics. I wonder how and why minorities there survive there than migrating and seeking asylum in other countries. And to say that such a nation, even starts talking of J&K issues is something worth taunting and belittled at. But that's how the country stays relevant...

Bharat, on the other hand, has been progressively moving forward. Our entrepreneurs caught the software services way at just the correct time. We need to go from strength to strength. The last thing we need is a war. We do not want our soldiers hurt, leave aside lose their lives. Let's invest in technology (drones, robots, unmanned aircrafts). Invest in civil nuclear to take the country forward to achieve power self-sufficiency to the extent there are no power cuts, and not only that. To the extent that we have a surplus that can be directed to making sea-water potable.

Indeed, steps taken by our PM Narendra Modi, including the impromptu stopover once to meet their PM, sadly was not reciprocated by the Pak PM Nawaz Sharif. His rhetorics on J&K despite all these positive measures are what actually started this downward spiral.

Isolate Pak in every aspect (sports, artists - ignore the hypocrite Bollywood artistes who don't understand loss of land or life as long as their fortunes stay intact). It is these elites of Pak that should then influence their policies to improve relations with Bharat. Unless their pockets are burnt, they won't have a need to do this.

Isolation is costlier to Pak. Any attacks on them will only insinuate and vindicate their radical elements. Let's pursue an aggressive posture in these lines.

Blessed Gifts

O Son, as you lay on my lap these thoughts
Of benedictions that you have you poured

These bliss of experiences, as I step aside and watch
O the mirth you share, by just being yourself

Dear Gods, you've blessed me, with another gift too
The Shakti of Devi, the one to grace us

While mountains and rivers, is the glory of nature
The family, purushartas, the story of life

Sunday, October 09, 2016

Devi, your mere sight

My Mother, Dear Devi, your mere sight
Reminds me of love, poured by doting mother on child

You loving look at me, as the Ganga gushing forth
Your mere sight gave goosebumps, had the prana throbbing inside
I could feel the change within, as something unexplained

You are mother that feeds, the Shakti that nurtures
You bless us with child, and the love to pour on child
You are Mata Bhavani, the giver of courage,
With you within me, why the world do I fear

True knowledge may dawn, this all my illumined projection
Ishta Devi Saraswati, may your sight invoke  this insight

You are Mata Bhadrakali, with blood oozing all around
Your drive away abhorrence, blessing all with devotion
You are the power that takes us, past the beginningless Samsara
Why, your mere sight Mata, wipes out aeons of my Karmas

Thursday, October 06, 2016

From Tamas to Rajas and only then Sattva

I recently read that while anger and depression fall under the tamasic guna, passion and desire fall under rajasic.

This is something that modern medicine and spirituality should focus attention on.
To medicine and psychiatric healing this is a vindication: their methods and therapies generally aimed at making the patient love life again, by setting goals to look forward to in this life, is a must to first get the patient out of his melancholy.

But as with the nature of Rajas, this victory could be short-lived. For Rajas has the range of a pendulum; this world and life thrives on this guna. So when it swings toward the negative, the mental tendencies can make the patient cherish Tamas again.

The only way out is to take the patient towards Sattva, once he comes out of Tamas and gets settled in Rajas. This is only when and imperatively where spirituality should come in.

While in Tamas you teach workouts, in Rajas you teach Yoga. While in Tamas you make him run outdoors, in Rajas you have him start Pranayama. Let him eat all he enjoys while roiling in Tamas, make him watch what he eats, when he starts establishing in Rajas.

And then you start giving him sips of nectar: the royal road of Vedanta is what he should tread. Once he starts on that journey, there is no coming back. Not to Tamas, not at all, maybe Rajas during struggle.

Saturday, October 01, 2016

Lessons from the movie Atmakadha

Atmakadha (IMDB Link), is a heartwarming story of a self-reliant blind man. With some very good and natural performances, it gives a view of how a blind man also can have a complete life. Even showing a blind couple managing a home and bringing up offspring. The movie shows the role churches (and such religious places of worship) have a role to play in assisting the disabled to gain their self-esteem.

Srinivasan couldn't bring out a tear like a Mohanlal or Mammootty could have, but perhaps that was never the intent. Also the movie should not have shown the child also turning blind; it does undo the good work done in displaying how two blind people can have healthy offspring. Also the daughter could have been shown as completing her exams irrespective. This would be the guidance to the audience to show how such a person can secure her future. These things could have been highlighted upon, but perhaps the director wanted to keep the scope of the script as the protagonist himself, Simple.

You are your present..

You are your present, though your past has made you
You have to breathe now, breathless though you have been

I have the freedom to choose, every minute, every second
I have the responsibility to focus, it is my awareness, my nature

To express first lose one-self, how profound are these words
Dear Mother you have insight, that lifetimes take to occur

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Reduce breaths and live longer

It's been my continuous experience in meditation: Breaths automatically slowing down. To the point of not breathing. And yet, the feeling of being relaxed. Then, very slowly, breathing happening slowly. But once I get conscious of this, I feel the breath rhythm is disturbed.

But I had this theory, which I recently also heard again coming from a Vedantin. That of the 21,600 breaths in a day (with each breath of 4 seconds), as you reduce a few, you live longer.

Another aspect of breath as we know: If you breathe deeper, your mind is calmer. When you are in agitation, be it physical, mental or emotional, you breathe faster. If this prolongs in day, you exceed the 21,600 count and it reduces the life-span by that much. Which also holds up scientifically, where it's well-known that prolonged agitation of these aspects is bound to make us ill, which will obviously reduce life-span.

In the end, what we need is the primary awareness of life being a game, a dream in a forever cycle. So take the awareness of a witness while involved in Karma, fulfill your role and come out of this cycle.

So..let's breathe deep!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

I am Infinite

In the rhythm of the flute, that I sat hearing
I could see, the coconut trees sway

And leaves seem dancing, in blissful merriment
I know they knew, that I am watching

We all are one, the Brahman infinite
They were expressing only, the feelings in Heart

You take the body away, but I live on
Oh foolish people, to have attachments at all

Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Lonely Path

There was once a lonely path
I walked on it alone
Amidst the crowd unnoticed
At peace with myself on own

Then had I held a hand
And this gave me respect
In eyes of those who walk by
But for this I didn't care

Then we have two young hands
And this has given me bliss
Although just the taste of
Which I cannot rest till I achieve

So I look forward to the lonely path
But this time I know where to
I know now what I look for
I know now what to share

The creator's folly

There is no meaning left, in the sizzle and bustle of crowds
You can have as many, but people will only distract

A quiet reflection, when there was just One
Has created this marvel, this system of creation

I was but a loner, and then I wanted too many
Regret do I that this has, cost me my identity

Forgotten have I who I was
Forgotten have I who I am...

Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Child is Spontaneous

I know not what relation it is..
I daze at you with unending bliss
Every antic my little child
Does extract a little a smile

How you do it is just being yourself
What a truthful teaching it is

The world would have a hearty laugh
if you do it, but frown on it, if ever I did

Sau Tarah Ke Rog Le Lu...Lyrics gone too far?

I was listening to this song "Sau Tarah Ke Rog Le Lu" from a recent film (YouTube Link). The music sounded jazzy. But pay attention to the lyrics, and it seems to be more about a one-night stand. And then you realize that the lyrics seem to be downplaying STDs. As if, I can't help it now, I'd rather take on the disease.

 I don't know if these lyrics raise a hue a cry or not, or the "chill it man" generation just passed it on as another test of their "openness". But it should have, the way the "Choli" songs in '93 or Govinda-Karishma songs in '95 / '95 did. That negative promotion did some damage in making it not worth having suggestive lyrics in films.

Lyrics like these need to be scrutinized by the Censor Board; not sure if it currently comes under their purview. I know the board is under pressure these days for lack of "consistency" and "moral policing" / "lack of maturity" etc etc. That can be a separate debate, but lyrics like these which undermine the gravity of such diseases while also promoting unhealthy behaviors towards sexuality, definitely need condoning!

Sunday, September 04, 2016

Onam Days

(As received in a forward)

The Ten Days of Onam Celebrations

The celebrations of Onam start on Atham day, 10 days before Thiruvonam. The 10 days are part of the traditional Onam celebrations and each day has its own importance in various rituals and traditions.

1. Atham 5th Sept 2016
The first day of Onam celebrations starts with Atham day in the Malayalam month of Chingam. It is believed that King Mahabali starts his preparations to descend from Pathala to Kerala on this day. The day also marks the start of festivities at Thrikkakara temple, which is considered as one of the centers of Onam and the abode of Mahabali, with the raising of the festival flag. The traditional ritual of laying pookkalam (floral carpet) starts on Atham day. The pookkalam on this day is called Athapoo, and it is relatively small in size. The size of the pookkalam grows in size progressively with each day of the Onam festival. Only yellow flowers will be used on Atham and the design is kept simple. Statues or figurines of Mahabali and Vamana are also installed at the entrance of each house on this day.

2. Chithira 6th Sept 2016
The pookkalam design on the second day consists of a second layer added on top with 2 different colours apart from yellow (mostly orange and creamy yellow). On this day, people start cleaning the household to prepare for the Thiruvonam day.

3. Chodhi 7th Sept 2016
On the third day of Onam celebrations, the pookalam starts growing in its size by adding new layers or designs with at least 4 to 5 different flowers. The day also marks the start of shopping activities. Onam is associated with gifting new clothes, hence from this day onwards people start buying new clothes and jewellery.

4. Vishakam 8th Sept 2016
The fourth day of Onam celebrations. Vishakam is considered to be one of the most auspicious days of Onam. In olden days, the markets open their harvest sale on this day, making one of the busiest days in the markets for public. Nowadays, Vishakam marks the start of many Onam-related competitions such as Pookkalam competition.

5. Anizham 9th Sept 2016
The fifth day of Onam celebrations is one of the most important days in the Onam celebration, as it kicks off the great Vallamkali (Snake boat race) in many parts of Kerala. The snake boats are prepared for participation in the boat race at Aranmula Uthrattathi Vallamkali. A mock Vallamkali is conducted on this day at Aranmula as a dress-rehearsal for the final boat race which will be held after Onam.

6. Thriketa 10th Sept 2016
The sixth day of Onam celebrations. By the sixth day, the public frenzy starts building up. Most of the schools and public offices are granted holiday from this day onwards and people start packing their bags to their native homes to celebrate the festival with their dear ones. The pookkalam design will be very large by this time, with at least 5 to 6 new flowers types added to the original designs.

7. Moolam 11th Sept 2016
The seventh day of Onam celebrations. On this day, the smaller versions of traditional Ona Sadya (Onam lunch feast) start in many places. Most of the temples offer special sadyas on from this day. Festivities include Puli Kali (masked leopard dance) and traditional dance forms like Kaikotti Kali which are performed in various functions.

8. Pooradam 12th Sept 2016
The eight day of Onam celebrations. The day starts off with a major traditional ritual where the small statues of Mahabali and Vamana will be washed and cleaned and taken around the house in a procession. It will be later installed in the center of the pookkalam smeared with a rice-flour batter. The smearing is done by small children who are called Poorada unnikal. From this day onwards, the statue will be called Onathappan. The pookkalam design from Pooradam day onwards gets much bigger and complex in design.

9.Uthradom 13th Sept 2016
The ninth day of Onam Celebrations. Uthradom is the ninth and the penultimate day of the festival of Onam. It is considered as Onam eve and celebrated in a very big way. The importance of this day is last minute extreme shopping frenzy called as Uthradappachil and is considered the most auspicious day for purchase of fresh vegetables and fruits along with other provisions from the Thiruvonam day.

Uthradam is known as 'First Onam' because it marks the day when King Mahabali descends onto Kerala. Traditional myths say that the king will spend the next four days touring his erstwhile kingdom and blessing the subjects. Due to this, Uthradom is celebrated in a very pompous manner with larger pookkalams and celebrations in all households. The Uthradom lunch is generally grand. Women normally cut the first set of vegetables on this day that marks the celebrations of Thiruvonam in each household and preparations for grand Thiruvonam feast also start during the evening of Uthradom day.

10.Thiruvonam 14 Sept 2016
The tenth and final day Onam celebrations that culminates the 10 days of Onam Carnival. The day is known as Thiru-Onam (Sacred Onam Day) also known as 'Second Onam'. Myth says that this was the day Mahabali was sent to the netherworld ( Pathalam) by Vamana. The day marks the return of Mahabali to his fabled land (Kerala), as per the boon he received from Vamana to meet his subjects and bless them. Apart from this myth, this day is considered auspicious being birthdays of several temple deities representing Vishnu, like Vamana of Thrikkakara temple, Sree Padmanabha Swamy of Thiruvananthapuram etc.

Lessons from the movie Kaththi

First up, let's call a spade as it is. Kaththi (IMDb link) is mass movie starring Vijay, with him in double role that too exactly resembling someone unrelated, and where he can beat up tons of goons to the extent to give an adrenaline rush. And where the heroine has nothing more than face value to fill up the songs.

But I chose to mention it here because I was happy that even with the wrapping of a mass movie, the film chose to highlight a ticking social bomb as the core message: the water crisis.

Where water is pumped out from villages, snatching the livelihood of dependant farmers, while in turn sowing seeds for a food crisis.

They show Satyagraha as the modicum how they win the battle. No permanent solutions, because there are none as long as our population keeps growing and wasting water.

But at least an important message at the heart of the film. I'd recommend this film to all.

Saturday, September 03, 2016

Narasimham series Part 7: Why am I back

Part 6 | But I had left it all. Why am I now back. Yes, I had to get answers. Of why were soldiers sent after me, this life. And I had to appreciate, why has Narasimha started to possess me.

The sight of the palace, or is it the Devi who presides over this kingdom, is now giving me clarity. I need to find out reasons. I had turned to the path of bliss, given this all up. Left all to their Karma. But there was the gnawing question deep within. What of my Karma: Is there a redemption, or is it for my next life.

I think the answer is close. If my tapas has purified me enough that the Lord himself takes refuge to protect this body, there is more left. I need to check why.

Dawn was to break, and the first ray had glowed my energies. I hardly needed sleep now. I rose and went off to meditation. The ocean of bliss, I could access at will! | Part 8

Dream is a hint of reality

Dream has that, the hint of Truth
It tells us that, this Life is a bluff

As in the dream, all looks true
So of this world, all looks good

I know this is hard, but think coincidence
I know this shakes up, but ask what's unfair

For knowing there is hope, for knowing what is True
That you, Your Self, is the only Real Truth

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Perfection is not for here

Where there be, a perfect seed
Not like thus possible, in this life bead

The universe exists, to imperfection manifest
Even symmetry doesn't grant, beauty's best

For all that we create, is destruction certain
Life's not made, to achieve satisfaction

You are here to yearn, to gain your freedom
You are here to achieve, where perfection lives

First things first: Improve Infrastructure, Development will come

There is beautiful and cogent article one must read on the correlation of Infrastructure and Economic Growth (Article Link).

Today you drive on Indian city roads, where roads do exist, but congested, and you have no guarantee about the commitment that can be placed on reaching from point A to B. How will business people or entrepreneurs thrive.
Or if you go on rural roads, they are either non-existent or blatantly unmaintained. How does rural demand and small scale industry grow then?

There are many factors to focus on for development. But infrastructure is a no-brainer. The article I mentioned also highlights how the GDP growth, and traffic demand is of a cyclic nature. Likewise, how washroom, drinking water facilities at various points are paramount.

The Shiv Sena started the ambitious Slum Rehabilitation program to decongest Mumbai. I don't think it had the willpower to make significant progress. Today even their website (link) doesn't open! Here's another link from one of the developers involved in such projects (Builder website). Of course there were challenges, political lobbies and illegal activities happening there were being threatened. But tackling population growth is a different problem, first try to manage the population that currently exists, that was the focus! So it was a great step and in the correct direction. Build highrises, make way for transport.

Then there is sanity required in handling the private transport lobby. Look how Singapore does it (link). Public transport won't give good returns in countries with low population. But in places like India, they can be perfectly feasible. The Volvo AC public buses are a step in the correct direction to attract the upper middle class. We need to made owning private vehicles prohibitory. Lack of vision is allowing 2 million new cars to hit the roads each year (News Link)! We are ruining our environment, and thus our health and future in this manner!

The seventh pay commission mandating contributing salary towards health insurance is a step in the correct direction towards this. Not only does it get government employees access to sophisticated medical help, but also helps in hospital development in India.

And last must no the least is the job generation that it'll lead to, the way it helped America come out of depression and sow the seeds to make it attractive to business (Article Link).

Let this be the primary focus of Indian growth: Infrastructure development!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Devi Prasadam

Devi you have blessed us
Born in Mind and graced us

I had felt your presence among us
In Ashram's Devi Puja had tears welled

We carry you as hope now
You are Shakti, you already rule us

Liberate me, make me deservent
Of having borne you, as nimitham

As Durga bless benevolence
You grace and your powers
As Kali help me win over
The ignorance that veils us

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Who is a Bharat Ratna and When

Let's keep the legal / constitutional / defined definitions aside.

For the common man, a Bharat Ratna is a Role Model.
And we don't award, this is Bharat Ratna for Music, or Bharat Ratna for Science. We award Bharat Ratna to the Citizen. In the sense, the person must have been exemplary in one field, but still should have been a model citizen.
And this applies to the awards from Padmashri onwards too.

This is why Sanjay Dutt or Salman Khan should and would never get it.
There was a huge ask for Saif Ali Khan to return his Padmashri when he manhandled someone in a restaurant, whatever be the context.

And hence there was the sagacity in those giving out the awards to give it out at the later part of such an achiever's life. Or even posthumously, which perhaps was taking things a bit far.
But the thought behind it always was to hold out to the world and future generations of what a Model Indian should be like.

Let's consider the tarnish to the award done by giving it to Sachin Tendulkar for example:
The very fact that the definition of comes in-scope of getting the award was changed to accommodate him, makes it all look fishy. But I'm not against the change in definition itself.

My point of view is only to ask if he was a model citizen apart from being the God of Batting.
Hmmm, well, he's only 43. There is a long life ahead of him. Too soon to say! And that's my only concern.
Consider this article (link), written before he got the award. It's not as if Sachin had been a model citizen prior to the award even. Why then had the highest national honour to be given by our most judicious then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, but for an opportunistic eye on getting some positive points for himself and his party after a scandal-led disastrous governance.

And now consider his current "performance" in the Rajya Sabha (News Link). Going by the twist in definition, of including "performance", wouldn't having given him a Bharat Ratna now look to have been done hastily?

And if a cricketer, why not the people from the Armed Forces, or the Police Forces, what about them?
Their "performance" and their sacrifices are what keeps the country standing.
Why are they confined to Gallantry awards. Indeed, they are our true Role Models.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Path to bliss: first choose happiness

Yes there is, a beautiful bliss
A bliss that's mind you, beyond happiness and grief

But to reach that bliss, first choose happiness
Get a glimpse to see, if you have the readiness

Not all can hold on, to that smile in adversity
Not every eye can peer through, the reasons with magnanimity

But try you must, it's lifetimes of cobwebs
Won't be easy but someday, get in touch with your best

The amazing Ramanujam and the power of intuition

The Ramanujam Fellowship was in the news recently for being the reason why Indian-educated scientists were coming back, leaving behind lucrative careers in the west (News Link).
While this is in itself great news for the country, and a topic to write on about by itself, the subject of this article is something different.

This article reminded me about a movie on the mathematician Ramanujam that I'd seen a few months ago (IMDB Link: The Man Who Knew Infinity). I'd been wanting to write about this great mathematician since then.

I'd read about Ramanujam growing up, as many other high-school children would have. And the Ramanujam Number 1729 (Wikipedia Link). And how numbers were such friends to this true definition of a genius. I'd already read with interest on how it seemed Goddess Namagiri (Wikipedia Link) of Namakkal in Tamil Nadu used to cause intuitions on the solutions, the equations to difficult problems. Answers Ramanujam would arrive at without going through the labour of steps arriving at them. I'd also read about how Prof Hardy was instrumental in recognizing Ramanujam's talent and getting him to England to collaborate with him. I'd also read how Ramanujam passed away at an early age and what at loss to Mathematics this was.

But the movie truly revealed many other aspects of Ramanujam's personal life and hardships which were not known to me, growing up in the era where the Internet's "networks" were just being formed. It was a great movie, who revealed his human side. It was an honest movie. How Ramanujam once even attempted suicide. How despite his professor's commitments and patience with his unscientific talent, was more interested in just going back to the place where his work wouldn't have found its due purpose.

The point I want to highlight in this article is not even this. What I want to point out is that the movie should be watched, to observe and appreciate how the power of intuition is a much greater aspect that the power of reason. At times, or I dare say most times after we've learnt to "hear" it as well as Ramanujam had, we should listen to the voice of intuition than what reason would suggest. Intuition comes from the harmony of Conscience and your God's or Inner Self's grace. It would have to be in harmony with the way things must be. If reason be the pure basis of action, then VIKI from the "I, Robot" film is far from wrong.

While scientific temper and the rigor is needed, it should in my view be a parallel thread. There is a whole world of limitations that we have to leap past, if we have progress faster. And this is not just in science, but all aspects. If one were listening to their inner voice than the brain-washing, the conditioning that happens at various levels, be it societal or marketing, the human life would be move faster towards its core purpose of fulfillment, of freedom.

Intuition is how the Vedas came to us, how the ancient Rishis made the major leaps in astronomy, medicine and philosophy. Somewhere in time, we regressed, so much that today those are just looked up with wonder, or worse, mixed up with superstition. In either case, it's not helping us.

Just as Ayurveda and Yoga are now getting new-found acceptance in the past few decades, the time has come to appreciate and accept Intuition too. To listen to those in tune with the voices in respective areas, be it Ramanujam in Maths or RD Burman in Music. Free them from the rigor to just do this (the reason why Ramanujam was getting disillusioned in England). Let's make investments on this promise from Intuition (although it sounds preposterous today) and get past mental barriers and narrow view to things. A lot of that's lost from the past will start making sense, and we can take them to stretches farther than we can today imagine.

Let's get in touch with our Inner Voice.

Friday, August 05, 2016

Whom to be First Thankful to

Should I be first thankful to the parents who got me birth
Or myself for having deserved this birth

Should I first thank the merciful lord
For giving my redemption a chance
Or the teachers who made me realise
The reasons for my birth that this is why

Saturday, July 23, 2016

The economically poor: The culture torch bearers

You look out of the window, at the poor construction worker family. With thatched makeshift huts, their home at the street side. And watch closely, at what they eat, what they wear.
When I say poor, I mean economically lower, but not beggars. I mean the ones who toil, but still just make ends meet. The ones who never even had the equal opportunity to get ahead in life.
Look closely at them, and you see the model of the true Indian. And again, I don't mean to say this from the economic perspective, but from the cultural perspective. You give the woman a choice, but still she'd prefer her Saree over any other dress. She'll still cook the chapati than buy a bread. The fast-ageing father will take his children to temple, more than any other affluent family visits.
And you think to realize, God's world is strange, but it can't be unfair. When Jesus said, The meek will inherit the kingdom of heaven, there was a meaning to it. These so-called poor, are really more content than us. They are the ones who'd certainly attain bliss, for they are right at the cusp. Of course but, they are not the target audience of the globe-trotting, true Jnani gurus.
Yes, if you ask them of their future, they'd worry too. But don't we too, despite all our pay cheques and bank balances too?
They don't have the time to idle, their work keeps them engaged and happy. They don't have the money to get pulled into consumerist marketing, the junk food, the idle brain's food - the TV or the games.
Their kids, we only have to ensure they get a good education, because the true teachings, of the Vedanta are within their family's day-to-day living. If they only get the opportunity to study, they can guide us, and the country too.

Why are teachers paid less

Why in any nation are teachers paid less
Why their sacrifice earns such disrespect

Is really market economy the answer to all
How can a by-quarter world view be best for all

A seed once sown, takes months to bear fruit
A human generation, two decades to gain trust

Those who nurture and protect
Should be heralded the best
Must become the guiding policy
For a nation's interest

There was that beautiful bliss

It felt like a walk in a forest
With sun rays passing through as arrows
It felt like standing on sandy beaches
With gusty winds blowing on
I know not how to describe it best
It felt like a holiday afternoon
With feet on sofa, and reading a book

But no, that doesn't, even tell it best
I guess it was just beyond
Just beyond any pleasure felt

Bliss is what we all pursue
But bliss is all, we really are
It's just the illusion, the covering of karma
Else bliss is where, we all came from

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Use ego to win over senses. Then go beyond ego

Achieving bliss, is ironically, a war
Conditioned by senses, our likes, our dislikes
There is no out with
Every moment a test, every action a reaction

The journey then, is a series of steps
And a step a time, could even slip nine
I introspect thus, to fight iron with iron
And use the stronger iron, to scale the mountain

If Ego is bigger, put it to effect
Use it as weapon, in the battle with senses
Your anger, your tastes, your lust, avarice
Set these as targets, your Ego could win it

And once the battle is done,
With Ego weary or bloated
Have it look around then
Who ever cares for your win..

Don't Honk..but does it make sense?

Read an article about Bengaluru being the second most noisiest. And saw a pic with Rahul Dravid holding an "I don't honk" sticker. Agreed, being second noisiest is something for the traffic and transport departments to take notice about. But to deflect the blame to "honking" is pure escapism!

The reasons were in the article itself: They said people honked to express frustration. Traffic Jam, or some other driver making a mistake. Well, then what you have to fix are the traffic jams, the honking will automatically stop.

My point is I've seen this about USA too. People there, especially in the suburbs hold honking in very low esteem. But go to the downtowns with actually filled up roads, and then you see the difference. It's all honking, no different from a metro in India.

The reason I honk does fall into the other category, where driving habits, and traffic rules are poorly enforced. And it is indeed mostly linked to the traffic jams (or potential traffic jams ahead why drivers have gotten used to be so much in a hurry, something in the blind spot or not!). So I better honk, at a passing stray dog, the pedestrian who's looking the other way and crossing, or the motor cyclist who's joining the road from a T-junction, but doesn't even bother to look if vehicles are coming at speed at him before joining.

So what the message needs to go out, loud and clear - even by Rahul Dravid if he could kindly - is represent the motorists, and go to the traffic department, and with them to the transport department, and with them to the planning and financing department, and with them to the chief minister even if need be: Bengaluru is the second noisiest already, please fix it!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

You can be higher than the Gods you pray

Those who became Gods, asked to be, and accepted that fate.
Power and perhaps, even pleasure abounds.
But as nature of pleasure goes: Habit forming, transitional, they find no end to it.
And as far as power goes, even controlling natural elements, is but limited.

To free themselves of this, they have to take birth
And birth as none else, but humans on Earth

So while you are here, may you use them as models
But not for once, choose them as ideals

Realize your worth, make the realization intuitive
Filled with compassion and love, merged will All with you Go


This Earth may be dream, but do not deride it
There are things to be done, do not deny these

Of human contribution, and not concern result
Is all this life is, do not forget this

The time has come now, you should not lose it
Coming back to finish, would take another birth this

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Grace of the Divine

O Deva Subrahmanya, the bestower of boons
Ever since you established, your presence in Swadishtana
You blessed me progeny, You granted me thus immortality

Dear Mother Kali, you guide me to liberation
I ask you of all, as a child demands of mother
In one stroke of  Sword, you have rid me of ego
Your Trishulam defends, keeps my senses in control

Sunday, July 03, 2016

Ayurveda treats the root cause, maybe not the effects

This I learnt when I took my son to the Ayurvedic Pediatric doctor at Punarjani in Bengaluru. To cure my son's back-to-back ear infections, the approach to cure was ensuring he doesn't get his cold again.

And that's what the Allopathy doctor's parting shot had been, for which they had no medicine, only cure if it occurred.

But Ayurveda had natural medications - bitter quite a bit - but ones that quickly showed effect. The approach of Ayurveda is in general to help build the body's immunity through herbal supplements. So there are no side effects, and the body builds up its defenses to fight the infections that earlier it was so prone to.

I guess this is why Ayurveda should, and must, build and market itself as the preventive cure that this and coming generations really need!

Light and Rain

Light and rain, it's a drainy mix right away
I wake up, get feet wet, and dance away

There was no sunset, so sunrise I missed
I just stayed awake, the body may have slept

There is no such as me, there will be many more
I'm still the One, the drop that completes the ocean

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Fastest way to happiness, have no desires

This article is inspired after hearing another excellent, intellectual, and spiritual, speech by Swami Sarvapriyanandaji (Youtube link) where he investigates happiness.

The biggest takeaway for me being: If we quell the wave of desires, the happiness-and actually even better-the bliss, that is you, shines forth. And there are two ways to this:

- The worldly untrained, instinctive way, by going after the desires, trying to fulfill them. Which you may or may not. And even if you do, it only quells these waves for some time, making us feel the bliss. Thereafter again, such transient happiness (pleasure in accurate terms) feels satiating and habit-forming (the example of the ice-cream as Swamiji aptly gives).

- Via discipline and sadhanas, realizing this true nature of desires. And thus voluntarily letting go of this rush after desires. And gradually progressing, observing, that the more you let go (in the mind), the happier you feel.

Next step, to make this learning intuitive to you. A speech everyone should hear!

A child is born..

A child is born, first in your own mind
It may then take, its birth as conception

A child next blooms, in its own parents hearts
It may then sprout, as a baby in this world

The child is reborn, when innocence is regained
It may then elevate, as a sage to liberate

Sunday, June 19, 2016

And why these dresses..

It's considered taboo area, something anti-feminist. But shouldn't feminists question, give due introspect:
Why the dresses, these western clothes here, why not adapt the Indian salwar and sarees, we Indians.
And have the big confident worldview to spread this "fashion" around the world.
Isn't simply accepting it a sign of inferiority, over the world itself. 
Why a just questioning of it, is seen as chauvinistic? Why not realize, it's a responsibility, an honor from generations of mothers, starting the Divine Mothers, that women were given their dress code.

Even in the west, were the Jeans and tight yoga pants, really meant for women as a whole day wear?
Wasn't it the frock there? And weren't Yoga pants meant only for Yoga. I hear some western voices calling this obvious indecency out. But no way, it's taboo here in India!

Agreed that generations, maybe centuries of male dominism has caused it. The way the caste system has caused narrow, paranoid political causes, that the rich "low caste" or "OBC" person gets it all over the poor and meritorious "high caste".
Likewise, the social queens raise assertions that having separate bathrooms in their mansions is getting gender-equality, rather than solve actual problems on the ground. Why does the rapist get to marry the victim, than be castrated. Why widow remarriage is not encouraged, than something to be borned as Karmic fruit. And also, why is the homemaker looked down upon. Can the home grow its roots, when the nurturer, the divine mother is out?

My Mother is All

When she feeds, we all get healthy
It's her gift, her divine miracle
I saw it, with my wife and son

When she cares, we feel her touch
She not be here, still fills our hearts
Be times be good, or be they bad
Her concerns unsaid, gain all more expression

When she wills, you have to dread
She seldom loses calm, instead
Her firm voice, is one of assertion
Her confidence, not something to arrest

When she leads, you entrust Maya
Her Japa always, Sat-Chit-Ananda Rupaya
Not this world, not the mortal wares
Her trust, her faith, is for us to love all

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Narasimham series Part 6: Why it all started

Part 5 | It is said that interventions you take to avoid your destiny, inevitably take you closer towards it. And that's what happened here.

This was where it started, the palace where I once belonged!

I was a blissful sadhu now, a corrupt official once. Ruthless to all, especially the meek, with the police within my command. All under directions from a tyrant of an emperor. However, that doesn't excuse my actions. Only penance can untie the knots. And that is why I'd left it all for. When cheap lamp-posts for public places - and public money misused in the bargain - all at the behest of my king himself, had cost me my own daughter walking underneath. And the trauma that took a toll at my equally-guilty wife.

There was nothing to stay back for..I didn't blame anyone but myself. And so for months I'd wandered, till my Guru made his appearance.. | Part 7

Poems for Shravan

(Modifications I'm sure, of heard-from nursery rhymes)

He's my good boy (tak - a tongue sound), he's my best boy (tak)
Beautiful Shravan is his name (tak tak)

Good Night, Sleep Tight
Shravan is a Very Good Body
Good Night, Sleep Tight
Sweets Dreams Shravan

I Love the Rains

I love the rains, that drench my shirt
So that I come home to, a change to cozy dress

I love the warmth, of a hot tea's sip
Especially when, the rains bathe nature

I know not where else, I can get this fragrance
Of earth and trees, that symbolize the rain

Wet and humid, not the ice or snow fall
The rains touch us in ways, only rainbows can match

Sunday, June 05, 2016

True Story..Covered Up!

It was all well planned. A child had gone missing, and I'd blamed the dark forces. Civilized society couldn't be allowed to sink into chaos. So they needed a reason, a scapegoat to blame. And using means circumstantial as reasons, I was made the fall-guy.

But I knew this had happened, and I can repeat it to anyone they way I clearly remember it. Let anyone point out inconsistencies in my version. It's a nightmarish event I can't forget:
I and the child had got into the cave, We had seen the plaque markings in series, and had wondered earlier why. She was my only solace, this girl I'd adopted. All innocent of four, her parents lost to war. But perhaps that's what, was thought to be of her.
Her face angelic, I always thought she wasn't from here. I always dreaded when her true claimant would come, and that's exactly what happened.
We had a deep bond, she fully trusted me. She was now 7, and we would take our long walks, both loved the mountains for some reason unforseen. It is only I realize, we were being pulled by her destiny.
One late evening we saw, this open cave midway to the top. I could've sworn I'd not seen it before, but then again, wasn't a regular trekker. This cave welcome, with a faint light coming from within. A plaque numbered "1", just close within the entrance, was just the right invite to the adventurous. To know where's the next number, and why that light far within. But it was late evening, and getting dark, and I forbid it against her will, and we returned.
But the next time we went, I'd forgotten about it, but she'd very well planned it. It was only late afternoon we reached the cave, and she insisted. I let out a sigh, not knowing how to dally. So off we went within, she even had a torchlight. We saw a "2", and only when we reached the "3" did I realize that the sunlight was not behind, and yet the number illumined.  I told her let's get back, she knew I wouldn't have it any other way, and she started running further. I caught up to her, and this time sternly said we are done.
But just when we started walking back, her a faint sound far behind, taking her name! It startled me, and made me let go of her hand. Just the chance she needed to dart within, her curiosity piqued. And I regret doing that, to this day, and will do so till the end of my life.
I ran behind as fast as I could, following the faraway torchlight. But after one turn there was a T-junction. and both sides were illumined, as if by fire-torches. And to confirm my fears, both sides had 4. My love had an instinct, and I knew which way to go, I was in tears, my fear of losing her coming true..
And that's when I encountered, this smiling pot-bellied person. He was dressed in ancient, an Arabic sultan like costume. He commended my will, my truth and my love, for there was no other way, I could've taken the correct route. But he said my time with her, had to come to an end. She was special, and had to be returned, to the abode she belonged. I could not touch, then realized he was either a ghost or an illusion. He blessed me with one last view of her. A transparent wall, perhaps a screeen behind which I beheld her still running. But when I went there, I only crossed her. It was just a screen, with another one after it. I instinctively crossed, perhaps hoping to get away from him and maybe towards her. Only to see a small cage door shutting another exit from the mountain.
I looked behind, and there was only darkness. She was gone! I pushed open the cage door and crouched out. Now this below me is that hole I crouched out of. The cage door is gone, and as I too agree, inside this hole, within visible sight, is only a wall. And yes, this is at the other side of the mountain we found the cave in. And nobody has seen that cave since, not even me. It was there to call her, and take her it has.
But society wanted answers, and those I had none. My grief of losing her, had numbed my mind. So answers were woven. My live-in partner, equally grieving, said my story did sound concocted. An earlier roommate whose barking, red-eyed dog I'd always detested, said I was known to steal and hide things, which the dog had hated.
My workplace colleagues were made to say in unision I had issues. I was "not interested" in work, good enough comment to create a negative perception in public, but of course not legally holding them compliant. Smart move government, or public prosecutors!
All my social media pieced out, by government or "ethical" hackers. Of course the ethical hackers found nothing, and since they'd done a faster job, the government didn't get enough time to plant something.
Physical evidence couldn't be placed, for they feared if the girl is "dug out" (god forbid) from someplace else, they'd have a hard time explaining.
So well, the girl was last seen with me, and my only defence was this incredible fact. (Even my lawyer suggested I say she was kidnapped, and I hadn't seen the license plates, but I'd refused for that wasn't the truth).
I am in this prison, as the search and trial prolong. And I know this is where I'll be, and don't want to be outside anyways, till my time on Earth. that pot-bellied messenger, his ever peaceful face, hope it fulfills my last wish, that life after at least, be in the place he took her, in my child's abode!

A joy, a learning

A privilege and joy, is to see you grow
O cocoon do become, a butterfly and flow

There is logic, and also there is inspiration,
But you my son, go beyond any sensation

I may not have touched, your tiny feet in here
But you continue to teach me, the thing what life is dear

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Consider what you buy: Buy local

Wherever in the world you are, try to buy local. By that I also mean, conceptualized, and created/grown/made in that locality/country based on the sophistication of need and from the local retail shop.

Our addiction to things online will burn down the communities built around us, through decades if not centuries. We even hardly spend time with neighbours. It will cause what is increasingly seen happening in US, warehouses of items actually shipping door-to-door, these warehouses situated in faraway places, with employees serving a person they don't know, or care to know.

Be it the want to promote the country's economy, or buying from the smaller retailer in an altruistic sense, or promoting diverse innovation around you, or health in walking around, whatever be your reasons, try not the mini-penny saving mindset divert you from the big picture.

And extend this big-picture thought to where the product is made from (country), and how it is made (organic, eco-friendly materials). There are countries with no democracy and who use their position of power with aims to bully others, and there are others who've colonized other countries cruelly, and there are countries and companies that blatantly exploit resources in poorer nations for self-interest.
Be aware, well-read, hold some ideals, and cast your vote, in this case, by not purchasing from there. And then, spread the word. There is no need for a greater power, this is within each of our reach.

We are All

A misty morning, a rainy day
Yet sunshine pouring, with smiling gaze

Be there no dreams, this river floweth
Just watch the currents, as life passeth

I am no flower, and neither thorn
I am the seed, from which all was born

Sunday, May 08, 2016

Why a Body cannot have multiple Atma

The question seems something like why didn't someone think of it before! Why can't a body have multiple Atman. You have to think about why a body exists, and why an Atman pervades in it.

Atman, involuntarily or voluntarily, puts life into a body so it can run through its Karmas. It wants, in human life, to be made aware to not be identified with this life. To realize its been going through such lives multiple times, with memory getting wiped out since that stays in that life's mind. Only the Samskaras, the impressions-both good and bad, have stuck to it like a stain whose effects have to be run through. This much is well known.

Now, what Vivekananda has said, and is the crucial point to answer this question, is that Atman, the Purusha, that pervades and illumines all, actually manufactures these mind-body complexes, based on its previous Karmas, and to run through those effects. Vivekananda goes on to say that Karmas have to be run through in the nature where they were accumulated, the rest are held at bay for the time being. Thus, we were humans before, running through these Karmas, and getting them worked out. If we show animalistic tendencies, we might go back to occupy an animal body to work those out, since that's easier to wipe out. Animals behave purely on instinct that intent, so they are actually working out those Karmic effects without accumulating any more.

So if an Atman is generating this body to work out its Karmas, to wipe out these stains, then there is no question of another Atman also coming in here. It automatically answers the question. Although within this nature there are instances where a person gets possessed by a good or evil soul. I believe it has to be permitted, and does not automatically happen. You have to will it, else it will not happen.

Saturday, May 07, 2016

Of twitter raindrops, and gushing smiles

Where there is a child carefree
You feel really the spirit is free
No one expects anything less
A child to dance at none's behest

I am chaste, I hesitate
A child thinks not, an innocent lot
He jumps and dreams, and laughs and cries
He lives life truly, nature's child

The raindrops, seawaves, the chirping birds
He helps me notice, their inner joy
I had seen once, but now forgotten
The gushing smiles, beneath the karmic dust

Sunday, May 01, 2016

I may be Ananda, but not yet Ananta

There are teachings and commentaries by Gurus, especially in the Yogas, which point straight to the final goal, with the desire to kindle in the aspirant what lies in the final beyond.

But often it also causes misconceptions and actually disappointments. A simple thing as a person levitating is something we can strive towards but never achieve. If that's the goal some seeker keeps, he'll only stay disappointed.

Likewise is the Sat-Chit-Ananda quote, which commentators often cite the Ananda analogous to Ananta. This should be avoided. You may and can and will achieve Ananda. And that's what you are, Ananda and Bliss. But until you are in Samadhi state, you cannot possibly achieve Ananta, and shouldn't run after it.

Tat Tvam Asi says the essence in the (say) the Sun, is the same in you. But you are not the Sun. We are all made up of the same conscious. The Sun covered by another karmic layer, and we, by ours.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Graceful Mother

Graceful mother, she sits in temple
Of mind and hearts that purity define

She is patient, no she is patience
She is ever, the shining divine

I think so not, she meant no more
Even when she anger expressed

Her love and protection
Is all she meant
Pay back, ever, if you can in smile

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Karma keeps writing turn off the lights

Sanatana Dharma (or Hinduism as the manipulated word placing location identification to the religion) is often claimed to be something that places destiny and fate above self-will and choice. This is actually just half-truth.

What the Law of Karma within Sanatana Dharma says instead is that your Karma determines your Destiny. In colloquial words, as you sow, so you reap. You are writing your destiny by your very actions every moment. As simple as, if you are resting now, you are writing the destiny that you'll be more energetic after the rest. Or if you study now, you'll have success in your studies.

Sometimes it's not immediately apparent. We study hard for an exam, as I used to do in Engineering, but the results show otherwise. Well, the results will come. The best advice is to let go of the attachment to results. Let them be whatever. Just do Karma as your duty.

Taking this further, many of the Karmas (good or bad) could bear fruit in subsequent births only. This is what explains children born in struggle, poverty or with birth defects. Or people who, due to lack of opportunity, struggle through life.

Spread the message, and let's make it a mantra for environmental conservation: If you conserve resources today, your destiny will be to share the saved resources. If you are wasting today, be sure to be struggling tomorrow, be it in this life or the one(s) after!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

The power in ashrams and temples

While I completely agree that our own Self is the God we search about, that we pray to. But note that we are not that yet. That Self does exist, but until irrevocable realization, we still are covered by Samskaras and influences of Nature that divert us.

And there are holy centers of power the spiritually elevated ones among us have created, that these powers continue to get concentrated further, for the benefit of all that visit these spots. And that's the role temples and ashrams play, or the value they add to society and the ordinary folk.

But I also admit I'm not convinced just a physical visit to such a holy spot means how much. Or to put it differently, wouldn't I need to also be meditating and receiving the positive vibes stored in these places. I don't like the jostle and clamor in crowded temples, and sometimes think any place in isolation is better than this. But maybe just like a dip in medicinal waters washes off sin no matter what, presence in a holy environment does benefit no matter what the conditions around. Perhaps the devotion that each devotee adds by his visit, by his mind full of charity and gratitude, does add to the kindred and spiritual status of the place. I'm not sure on this point yet.

But the power bestowed to a stone, an carved idol, or a guru is not his own. It is contributed to by each one of us, by our concentration, if even for a second, on that object. Which is why these objects are ornamented to invoke the feeling of devotion in us. Concentration is Samadhi. It is what heals us in sleep, refreshes us in meditation. It is this same concentration when invoked that adds the power over nature on this idol. Some of which gets absorbed by the pleading, miserable person who comes praying. And benefits from. And in true cyclic effect, on better days, he repays back with a visit filled with gratitude and devotion.

To understand and realize this nature is fueled by our very Self, is at first incredible, then overwhelming, and eventually truly enlightening.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Nature has no control over you unless you want it to

I know this is true, I believe this is true, but this is so oh hard to imbibe..

One is you, your own Self. Which is neither this body, this mind, or feelings. Which just stands apart, and perhaps doesn't even direct, but only wills, and experiences. A mother is closest to this Self.

Then there is the Nature, the everything around us, including the body, mind, feelings. The trees, relatives, friends, even the play of circumstances, karmas and reactions. This world, this existence in here.

Straight to the point: This Nature can do nothing to me. At best, blow up my body to pieces, but still it cannot touch me. Like Swami Vivekananda said, even a snake's bite cannot kill us unless we want it to. At worst, Nature can only torment me through physical and mental tortune through its own medium, and perhaps make me forget temporarily that all this is just its play. An example of how Nala possessed by Kali forgets the true nature of his relationship with Damayanthi.

The Yogi stands at this other extreme of both perfect realization and response. He can be living among us, married or bachelor, man or woman, young or old, but has true bodha. The way to identify him is only in how he responds to external situations. No matter what nature does to torment him, he stands firm. It is not lack of compassion, but rather the true knowledge of how things are...And it simply doesn't affect how his response should be, to an external situation. Even if persecuted, he lives to serve and do, and do what's correct and apt..

Friday, April 15, 2016

Rickshaws drivers killing own business

An auto-rickshaw from Electronic City Infosys office to Sarjapura Road Wipro in Bengaluru costs me Rs 200. No meter, no negotiation. While an Ola Cab at standard rate costs me Rs 175, all calculated and charged on actuals.
Even the rickshaw driver admits the Ola cab will come cheaper. Well, then've you've had it buddy, don't complain later for being a savant to a corporate.
No wonder Ola has been able to intake Ola Auto service. I'm sure auto-rickshaw drivers were equally obliging to this. For no planned trip nowadays happens without Ola or Uber cab bookings.
And it's for the good of the customer, this movement to Ola/Uber cabs. Now that auto-rickshaws are finally metered rides in Bengaluru. The notoriety of the auto driver charging his own rates, and rounding off to Rs 20/30 more without giving change was indeed going overboard.
I really missed Mumbai autos where the driver used to return 50 paise change. I'm sure Ola, Uber won't take off there. Because the customer is happy enough with the ubiquitous auto with fair, metered rates.
Back to Bengaluru, the auto-driver has no reason to complain either for aligning himself with the cab service corporates. They let him charge convenience fees/higher rates during late hours. Plus he chooses if he wants to pick the customer. I've had times when Ola shows the auto nearby, but the driver doesn't pick the request.Just further proof of the fate he wrote for himself with the treatment meted out to the customer..

Friday, March 25, 2016

While population rises, buy a villa than a flat

Wisdom and common sense are often not well spread. And so till date wealth and virtue not widely distributed.

In a country where population continues to rise but the livable area hasn't, why do you buy a matchbox cube in a building for home.

Put your life savings on an undisputed land and see what it does instead. For future value and children memories of their own land and home.

There are many pros and cons to buying land and building a home. One is that we ourselves have to run after the bureaucratic mess. Well, it isn't as if as owner of an apartment I don't have to do most things myself.
Moreover, in India, you get agents to do almost everything for you at - I say- reasonable price than having to catch on to current laws and running pillar to post.

The next is that for the area you can afford, you have to build multiple floors for comfortable living. Moreover your children don't have the park the society plans.
I say buy remote though you continue to optimise between commute time, school and safety. And then, get used to climbing floors!

Gated community perhaps is a good balance. The paperwork and park requirements are handled. And even if some have common elevation or not, either ways it's worth it.

Hatchbacks for Indian roads

It does not make sense but I see it a lot. Huge SUVs, gasoline guzzlers on indigenous Bharatiya roads. Roads where even on most highways the speed limit is 80kmph. And everywhere else, the roads are typically congested.
Why, and where, does it make sense to have it for your daily routine.
Such a car perhaps can fit, if at all, if you travel weekly on out-of-station sojourns. Even when I'd rather hire a vehicle so I can doze off when I want to than stress myself driving.
Equally for same reasons sedans are not really needed. The trunk space is mostly unused. You may for an airport trip, but an Ola cab or airport taxi makes more sense for these.
The room inside does not justify. Firstly for the average Indian's body size the hatchback is spacious enough, you don't need the SUV. The sedan does not have too much extra room inside compared to the hatchback. At least nothing that justifies it being bought and used as the daily-use car for commute.
Plus the petrol cost in an oil importing country as ours. Why then this obvious waste.
Get a hatchback. And get all the conveniences you want within. You can make all sorts of upgrades to make it comfy. Seats, stereo, rear view, GPS whatever you need...get the fuel efficiency, well at least until battery operated cars get the cost-benefit ratio right!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Your nature is bliss

A marvellous recounting of Sage Bhrigu's sadhana, on the true import of "Tat Tvam Asi":
- First he asks his guru is the body the Brahman. Then realizes it's bound by change and age and death, while the Self does no have this
- Next he asks if the Mind is Brahman. But the thoughts are vacillating
- Third he delves further and asks if the Prana is Brahman. But that too, though potent, is ever-changing force
- Even consciousness comes close, but keeps going away in sleep. So nature still has control over it.
- It is then he realizes that "Bliss" is his true nature. That which cannot change. But has to be realized.

And that is a key learning for all of us. No matter what the situation around us. That the feeling of "Bliss" we feel within, is our true nature. No matter how much the bodily pain when you sit in Vajrasan, or the stress of work, connect back to your feeling of "Bliss". That is you, not the Maya (nature) that seems to influence you. The true nature of your is "Bliss", and when you realize that, Nature has no control over you to erase it.

And the key import of this was, he himself realized this. His Guru just kept encouraging him, asking him to keep searching. The doctor can only prescribe medicines, or tie the bandage; the body has to heal itself. Likewise, the teacher can only guide, the student has to do the learning. 

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Test tube babies do have souls

This was a confusion that is being debated and had been a confusion in my mind. Though the scientific, moral and philosophical debate can continue, I for one am clear on the question in my mind: will babies born without a mother's womb have souls. This question has been ever since sheep were cloned in my mind. I have my closure to this now: Yes, they will.

There are loads of texts on why souls try to find the right body for them to fulfill karmic debts, and achieve liberation. One method which Swami Vivekananda recounted in Jnana Yoga says they come via the rain and get in through the food, and form the life in the sperm and fertilize the egg (like the seed on the soil). Even if that is not the means and the soul comes to "possess" a life body already in the womb for them (to put it simply). Or even if you say the sperm is "artificially" created. Either ways you are not beyond the purview of Maya (nature in simplistic terms).

So yes, as long as the conditions are correct, and a life form is formed, a soul will occupy it to fulfill its karmic debt. There is no relation to the parent's body to fulfill the debt. Although I've read that the soul might come to possess some relative, well-wisher, again to settle karmic debts. The reason why we attract or repel to certain people beyond logic in this life.

The next question in my mind is if souls possess every life, even an Amoeba say.
Also if reincarnation is true: Somehow in my mind it isn't..

Friday, March 11, 2016

Is purchasing online like robbing poor small retailers

It is understandable when some items are not conveniently available like it is in the USA, to buy online. In USA, you have to go to a mall for everything because retail shops cannot keep everything. And anything less is not viable in a country that large with a population that less.

But India is not such a case. There are people and retail stores all around. Right now it only feels foolish to buy Mamy Poko diapers at ₹690 retail price when I could buy it at  ₹550 on  Amazon. Let's see who suffers when I do this.

I think the manufacturer does not.  Even at  ₹550 the wholesaler got it to me for,  he the wholesaler,  the manufacturer and  Amazon all have made money.

The guys who lost money in between is the small time retailer,  the only guy who earns less than me in this whole chain.

The mall that doles less discount to me,  the ones who cry crocodile tears and try to win sympathy against the online business in USA, are at the end of the day some corporate.  A business that first mercilessly killed the small time retailer there.  And later lay the coup-de-etat on his entrepreneurial spirit by employing him as a helper in this mall.

But all this should not divert the Bhartiya mindset. That is a different market from this.

You learn about charity being the means to salvation. Then first thing is to not rob those weaker than you of their dignity regarding running something of their own

So here should be your choice sequence when buying an item:
- Is it readily available at the small single retail store
- Is it available with the small retail chain
- Is it available online
- Is it available at the mall

Go ahead, take the walk, speak to people while you make the purchase. It's worth the little extra.

Sunday, March 06, 2016

First rebuild the mosque, then build the temple

There is lot of history, but dates back centuries.
The country has disturbed today, chose to open those wounds

Hurt has been caused, it has pained a lot
Repercussions galore, people still pay to date
There was once a temple, but rebuild a mosque there first

Together we can walk, we are one countrymen
And condemn together, the happening at Babri
Both the building of the mosque, and the razing thereof too

The ones who brought the temple, not the innocents of today
But we are the ones, who stole the mosque that stood there now
The devout, the simple, their place of worship stands razed

What has happened, has happened
And build the temple, go ahead
But don't forget to, rebuild the mosque there first

The day recycles

The morning sun energizes us,
The post noon sun saps it up
The evening sun helps us rest
And the moonlight resets it

If every day is cyclic path
Why won't life, and what's so strange

This is where we have come to be
Why not live, this life full steam

Saturday, March 05, 2016

Desires frivolous and changing

The candy you fought with sibling for
The same you minded against parents then
That and many such candies mean nothing
The sibling, the parents still mean the world

Desires are such, they distract they deviate
From where our priorities, our goodness lies
Put to test whatever the mind wants
None would forego their child for an angel next door

Sunday, February 28, 2016

To Some more driving lessons in Bharat

Driving is stressful, it's well recorded a statistic even among drivers on the best of roads in US. Needless to say, it's worse off in Bharat (India).

Some more of my learning from recent past:

- The imported cars are of low height. And Bengaluru (Bangalore) speed-breakers, badly designed. So the base is bound to hit the speed breakers, especially if people are seated on the back seat, or the trunk has luggage. The way to avoid is to approach speed breakers at an angle, and opt for a bumpy tyre-by-tyre ascent on them.

- Street lights are a rarity even on the US freeways. But on Indian highways, there could also be speed breakers and potholes. So high-beam is a must if you are not following another vehicle at night. And that too, you need to keep safe distance with the vehicle ahead.

- The car will accelerate, don't hurry. This is something I still lose sense of, and press the accelerator to just get ahead fast. I forget that the street light is a great leveler, so why the hurry. And people and animals, aplenty. So why invite the tragedy. So if your feet is on the accelerator, let the engine choose the speed rise per its convenience. That's also best for the car itself!

To Life's Poetry

I write not to Life's Poetry
For Life is Poetry beyond comprehension

I bear not the capacity to sing
For Life's Song is seen best in evening

To Nature's powers is my limitation
For Life is throbbing even beyond the Universe

I step back to realize no good nor bad
For even tiniest creatures only kill to nourish

Saturday, February 13, 2016


There was once a bird, who flew over the peacock's head
And little did he know, that poop he did on it
No matter how much he fell, the ego was unforgiving
This body by Mother Bhumi, but so much Ahankar..

'Cos did she ever, complain than give her best
A deep sacrificing power, we take for granted instead

To really know India (Bharat), you have to walk the streets

"India lives in it's villages" Gandhiji once observed. And a profound one at that, after travelling around the country. Indeed, it's not the intelligentsia who represent India (that is Bharat). They might be the ones who keep our country abreast with the rest of the world. But the true representation of Bharat is in its masses, the middle classes.

And while during Gandhiji's time, this representation lay unequivocally in its villages, that proportion has steadily been decreasing, well into 68%, but still the clear majority. A majority of simpletons trying to make ends meet, and first ensure their living conditions are taken care of. Who are easily swayed by a politician's words or the local goon's muscle. And the best reflection of this is seen in the quality of elected representatives.

And for the vastness and diversity that Bharat carries, and of course with due credit to its population size, you cannot take a driving tour and connect or understand this country. The only difference you'll then catch in such tours where you eat out of star hotels, and are taken around by the tourist guides, is the difference in local language and deities at most. Other than that, they just want you to marvel at the leftovers of a glorious heritage. If you want to understand the country, get to a place - a village, town or city - and walk it.

Drink the frequent coconut water, sugarcane juice or the ubiquitious chaaz (buttermilk), keep away from sun strokes, catch the local buses (not autos or taxis). Eat thalis (meals) at clean vegetarian places (which will introduce you to the varieties in local cuisines), and most of all, speak. Communicate the best you can to the locals, give your tourist guide the flavour of what you are looking for, and just see how delighted he'll be to open up!

Sunday, February 07, 2016

Four Teachings of Swami Narayana Guru..Satyam, Shuddhi, Sneham, Seva

Had recently seen a movie retracing the life of Swami Narayana Guru, a film from 1986. I'd heard and did read a bit later about him as a social reformer to stood against the casteism that had taken deep root in Kerala in the early half of the century.

The film was amateurish in direction. But the person who eventually played the elder Swamiji performed well. The most striking part for me were the values he teaches as a young Swami, perhaps which formed a foundation of his philosophy: Satyam, Shuddhi, Sneham, Seva.

There were some profound statements in the film too that linger on:

- When someone mentions that Swami Vivekananda is tied down by casteism, Swamiji says those with "vivekam" would say thus only

- Another scene where an upper caste Brahman taunts him if there is anyplace in the Puranas where lower castes are shown to install deities, Swamiji taunts back that weren't these Puranas written and authorized by these very upper castes?
I've made this observation too in my recent (and in progress) reading of The Mahabharata. How at the very opportunity, the value of Brahmanas is extolled to the skies. I recollect Shashi Tharoor mentioning in the Incredible India BBC series that the Mahabharata had seen a lot of contemporary stories getting added to the original through the centuries. Was taken aback also by the mention that Brahmans very much partook in "sanctified" meat. At least that indulgent bit corrected itself in the most part through the centuries.

- I was amazed that while Swamiji preferred isolation, he would grant visits too the maximum extent of his capacity. And moreover, encouraged people to unite and stand for a cause

Truly casteism is something of a blotch in Hinduism. The domination of the Kshatriya class has been wiped out with the onset of Democracy for ruling people - a magnificent import from Greece - and the Corporate Culture and Public companies concept - that, well, has its pros and cons but rewards merit above anything for positions held.
What remains is the domination of the Brahmans in temple and puja culture. I guess spiritual leaders too are implicity vetted by their followers for the caste they were born in. But there will come a time I'm sure where the true meaning of Brahman as "the one who knows Brahman" comes forth, and true merit than the caste they were born into forms the basis of who conducts temple rituals.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

You are only the medium..drop the anxiety

One of the primary reasons of not living life to the fullest is inhibitions. And the root cause of inhibition is fear.

One way that I could see helped me deal with fear is the realization, that we are only the medium. That we are only serving a purpose. And that purpose will be served. Do not get anxious that "this is is" and lose your calm. For you need your poise to give your best.

Loosen up, realize, and just do what you would like to do!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Inner connect

Need the walk, the meditative walk
In an ashram, green and serene

Need no talk, no chatter in mind
When among trees, their breath soothing

I have climbed them, rested on laps
I have scaled peaks, like mountain goats
Know not where I learnt these skills

There is instinct, but really is memory
And there is destiny, which for future I change

Act I must, so the walk I take
And connect inwards, for my true purpose

Watch what you feed kids..Soft Drinks

Again, will try to keep it simple. Yourself, and the kids, just stop drinking any aerated drinks. In addition, when buying fruit juices (if needed), ensure there is no added sugar.

Soft drinks dissolve everything that it passes over to put it simply. I've personally experienced acidity I never had before, but it had at the time only convinced me to keep away from the particular brand. I know better now.

Worst case you want to have something, say in a flight, I believe Gingerale at least does not have any caffeine.

Here are a few links for reference: Ten Reasons to avoid, Harvard Study, Medical Daily

I'm not sure why countries can take notice and spread the word ..instead I see the consumption increase across the world. You cannot entrust companies because this is a high margin business. Gutsy but still not enough is Indra Nooyi's attempt to build a portfolio of health foods/drinks, but I guess investor pressure will never really take Sodas out of focus. .

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Enjoy the journey

For the peace that I feel within, am I at fault

That I don't feel the fire, but only the willness to work,
Do I lack drive

That I'm contented, am not restless
Do I lack purpose

That I don't list goals, only pursue what interests
Am I called Lazy

For what can assure, we can only intend
So let's enjoy the walk, be it grassy or stony
And detach from the result, the anxiety or the pleasure

Watch what you feed kids...Trans Fat!

I just want to keep it simple, for our busy lives: When purchasing any packaged food for your kids, just look at the Nutritional facts section, basically the black-and-white table which lists how much a single serving provides Carbohydrates, Protein, Fats. If Fat value is above zero (0), then search below for some asterisk value which provides how much of the Fat is Trans Fat.

Even if there is a wee bit of Trans Fat, just keep the product back.
Realize that consuming Trans Fat means who have consumed something that the body will NEVER be able to digest, and so too has your child (Wikipedia Link).

This will deposit somewhere in the body, most likely near the heart. Indians anyways are prone to heart diseases. The other possible areas are reproductive or other cancer causing areas.

Note that very few companies clearly specify in the Nutritional section about how much Trans Fat is present. They try to hide it in some asterisk. If you are unable to find for any reason, and Fat value is more than zero, then better safe than sorry. Reject the product. Your purchasing choice "vote" will pass the message to the Corporate.

There is no single pattern of what does and does not have Trans Fat. At a broad level, cream biscuits (yet to see an exception), chocolates (Amul brand is an exception), Chips (Maiyas is an exception), ice cream have Trans Fat.

Will end it here: Keep safe.

Saturday, January 02, 2016

The value of relationships always after the departure

We all feel this. An inertia to go someplace new, then the adapting to it, and when you leave it, the pang that follows. I've observed it keenly all my life, and with wonder, as must have all of us.

Yet we know we must move on, and so we do. Perhaps the explanation is as simple as the survival instinct. That when arrives at some place, and gets comfortable, we do not want to move on to something else.

But also perhaps this is how human nature gives value to relationships. We realize the value we place on the people, based upon how comfortable we've gotten with them. It prevents us from taking them for granted, this pain of separation.

Mistake it not to be a sign to hold back. Realize and accept it as the need to cherish relationships after we've moved ahead.

Sharadambe..your grace

Sharade, dear Amba maate
You are blessed, and your grace blesses all

I visualize you, and consider
Your grace of that memory

If one trip to your holy place, could cast such spell on me
I wonder how much it elevates, those who reside by your shelter

I pray and delve, the opportune moment
To cast off all, and stay by your side

May sin and weakness, know me not
Salvation through your love, is all I pray for now

I've switched to

Dear reader, I've switched to WordPress upon getting the pop-up that the current Blogger app is not configured to the upgraded version ...