Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sau Tarah Ke Rog Le Lu...Lyrics gone too far?

I was listening to this song "Sau Tarah Ke Rog Le Lu" from a recent film (YouTube Link). The music sounded jazzy. But pay attention to the lyrics, and it seems to be more about a one-night stand. And then you realize that the lyrics seem to be downplaying STDs. As if, I can't help it now, I'd rather take on the disease.

 I don't know if these lyrics raise a hue a cry or not, or the "chill it man" generation just passed it on as another test of their "openness". But it should have, the way the "Choli" songs in '93 or Govinda-Karishma songs in '95 / '95 did. That negative promotion did some damage in making it not worth having suggestive lyrics in films.

Lyrics like these need to be scrutinized by the Censor Board; not sure if it currently comes under their purview. I know the board is under pressure these days for lack of "consistency" and "moral policing" / "lack of maturity" etc etc. That can be a separate debate, but lyrics like these which undermine the gravity of such diseases while also promoting unhealthy behaviors towards sexuality, definitely need condoning!

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