Sunday, April 17, 2016

Nature has no control over you unless you want it to

I know this is true, I believe this is true, but this is so oh hard to imbibe..

One is you, your own Self. Which is neither this body, this mind, or feelings. Which just stands apart, and perhaps doesn't even direct, but only wills, and experiences. A mother is closest to this Self.

Then there is the Nature, the everything around us, including the body, mind, feelings. The trees, relatives, friends, even the play of circumstances, karmas and reactions. This world, this existence in here.

Straight to the point: This Nature can do nothing to me. At best, blow up my body to pieces, but still it cannot touch me. Like Swami Vivekananda said, even a snake's bite cannot kill us unless we want it to. At worst, Nature can only torment me through physical and mental tortune through its own medium, and perhaps make me forget temporarily that all this is just its play. An example of how Nala possessed by Kali forgets the true nature of his relationship with Damayanthi.

The Yogi stands at this other extreme of both perfect realization and response. He can be living among us, married or bachelor, man or woman, young or old, but has true bodha. The way to identify him is only in how he responds to external situations. No matter what nature does to torment him, he stands firm. It is not lack of compassion, but rather the true knowledge of how things are...And it simply doesn't affect how his response should be, to an external situation. Even if persecuted, he lives to serve and do, and do what's correct and apt..

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