Sunday, June 12, 2016

Narasimham series Part 6: Why it all started

Part 5 | It is said that interventions you take to avoid your destiny, inevitably take you closer towards it. And that's what happened here.

This was where it started, the palace where I once belonged!

I was a blissful sadhu now, a corrupt official once. Ruthless to all, especially the meek, with the police within my command. All under directions from a tyrant of an emperor. However, that doesn't excuse my actions. Only penance can untie the knots. And that is why I'd left it all for. When cheap lamp-posts for public places - and public money misused in the bargain - all at the behest of my king himself, had cost me my own daughter walking underneath. And the trauma that took a toll at my equally-guilty wife.

There was nothing to stay back for..I didn't blame anyone but myself. And so for months I'd wandered, till my Guru made his appearance.. | Part 7

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