My son Shravan was born 4 months back. And with his birth, has yet again dawned the realization of how miraculous this universe, this Earth, Nature, and especially our Life is.
Small things about how Life portrays itself, through my son's actions and behaviors, have left me in awe. When he was born, he was was this bundle of chubby cheeks, dimpled chin, rosy lips, and sweet little hands and legs, popping out of mummy! Just that evening his position was not right (head-down), and I'd prayed to the miraculous Sun-God for a normal delivery. How did the baby hear..
Just as they say, he was crying like anything immediately after being born, when they were cleaning him up, and I, was smiling, happy as never before. As a lactation later said, if you'd ask him then, where he'd prefer to me, it would be back in the mother's cozy womb.
And just like the medical staff had told us, when he's consoled and placed on his mother, he instinctively knows his way to her breast, and to suck milk off it. Where there was none before..nature had nurtured a conceived-life into the cute baby boy inside Jyothi, so how it produced milk when that child came out, was in comparison the least surprising..
Shravan's hunger cues will always remain fond in our memories. The boxing-action and the side-to-side head-jerks, wow! I don't know if we've got it video-recorded, but doesn't matter, that's only for memories we could forget.. :-)
Time's flying by. I've always kept telling him, let time go slow, but he keeps making sure he grows fast. Each day brings us a new joy. He used to smile in sleep, and now he smiles in recognition. Both are most beautiful to watch. He's trying to converse, to his best possible ability right now at 3+ months, a baby talk which is a mix of cooing and babbling. But the best is when he communicates through body language. Each twitch, lip expression, eyebrow movements, leave us wondering who taught him all this! But still knows the best way to demand, is cry out loud! :)
Shravan still bundles his hands and legs into a small cute package, but also is active a lot other times; kicking and moving hands. He's turning over now, but is still scared to turn back after that. :-)He loves his massage. Bathing, on and off, but always loves the water on his body. To take a step back and think, the baby was in a water environment when inside his mother. With birth on Earth, came the ability to breathe.
He loves the same things in nature as we do: the greenery, the water, the light and wind. These, I'm sure, have lasted longer in his soul through past births, than the parents and others he sees now. Through him, I see what a gift Life is, and our time here. I see how powerfully we all are equipped, right from birth. And how nature gives birth to the parental instinct, when the child is conceived, and then born. How life gives the parent enough time to watch each step of the baby grow, while all the time nurturing the growing child with complex physical, physiological, emotional and mental powers.
It dawns on me, nature has a purpose for us. For each of us. She invests so much in us, has gifted us with so many qualities, and the most important of qualities, to instrospect and change! Makes me realize, that just as with any gift, life is a responsibility! To search for and fulfill our unique purpose in this lifetime, is what will give the soul peace.
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