Sunday, July 29, 2012

Our Leaders Short-Sighted

With deep respect, and a flag flying beside
Have I stepped in, chest bloated in pride
Where freedom fighters tread, their heads held high
They said with their lives, this is yours not mine

That India today, a nation in progress
Is still beseiged but, by the enemy within
Bigger than the enemy, anti-social and terrorist
Is that of corruption, and politics divisive

If our leaders today, use strategies of our captors
Who is to blame, for the lack of focus
Easy to blame us, as their voters first
But around that they created, an influenced ruckus

1 comment:

Deepa Duraisamy said...

A sad state of affairs it has come to, I must admit. The nation alone is responsible for holding back on progress. In the name of traditions, religion, reservations and what not.

You seem to have gotten back to blogging with a bang! Keep writing!

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