Sunday, October 21, 2018

The Black Hole and Consciousness

This post I hope will lead to a series. This post is to investigate the link between the Black Holes in the universe with Consciousness.

The conclusion I'm coming to is that the mysterious Black Hole where time, space and matter converge into "nothingness" is the seat of Universal consciousness. Similar to the thumb-sized Jiva residing in the heart.

The Jiva is the subtle body that has come with its load of impressions from births past. It transcends time, space and matter and yet is hosted in these three. You can't see, detect or perceive it.
The Black Hole likewise seems to absorb an imploding massive physical body as a star. And as we know, there are many such Black Holes owing to many such stars. This is at the level of physical objects and how they come to a convergence of time and matter.

In Consciousness too, we talk of how a single Paramatman or Brahman is what appears or manifests as the multitude of Jivatman that manifest life. At the beginning of the Yuga (if one can say so in terms of time) they are all converged into a single Brahman/Paramatman. There is no difference at the time be it in the sense of space, causation. Whether in terms of time or not, theoretically not, but needs better understanding.

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