Saturday, October 13, 2018

Google Plus closure - wrong decision

Read in the news that Google Plus plans to close down because of the security breach in March of some user accounts.

I believe in these situations companies should let impacted users know and have them change password and beware of any impact due to the breach. These users may then opt to not use these products / services citing loss of trust.
However, I'm surprised why Google Plus shut down this service itself.

For one, it has been the closest competitor to Facebook. Google Plus' concept of circles was the closest to the real world. Where you have circles of work friends, home friends, relatives, etc some of whom overlap. I really liked it.
The other was the concept of communities (aka Following in Facebook, which isn't really an intuitive name).

The only reason really Google didn't come close to Facebook was because it had lost the early mover advantage. Also Facebook did keep bringing in newer features with Google Plus just playing catch up.

I always thought it could have limited the Google photos unlimited images option to only Google Plus users. This would have helped the social network gain more traction

Nonetheless, Google Plus always had the option of building on its relatively lower user base with design enhancement ideas before competition catches on. That's ever the advantage of being the underdog. And until then, keep cost low with lights-on support.

I hope Google revisits its decision on these considerations.

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