Sunday, February 05, 2017

Catching up on email is fine, but don't lose the point

There are a lot of people who tell me at work "Got to catch-up on email". I wish like telling them back "Hope just the relevant ones". For beyond that, it's just plain reading. Not very efficient usage of time. Something that you can catch up on in a single status update meeting.

As the world has caught on to email, and gone beyond to messaging, it's time to realize just that. That now Email is a Saturated Medium.
I, for one, use a combination of Filters to ensure I read the emails from clients and important stakeholders. There could be other methods than filtering by Sender, depends on your context.

It's about Messaging, and the WhatsApp groups and Slack channels are all for this.

And above all, and I think for all time to come, will continue to be conversation between two people. Ideally face-to-face, but if not, over video call or via the phone. No form of text communication will ever be able to replace that.

Realize, and Prioritize for efficiency!

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