Monday, August 06, 2012

Why Did it Happen (Part 1)

For a minute he looked lost, deep in thought. His eyes were seeing, but he wasn't. One might say, he saw through her. And so perhaps, he was in shock.

Lakshmi had stopped by to tell Venkat she wants to move on. As if a harbinger of the hysteria that would be part of him for life, Venkat chuckled at her words. She stopped talking at once, and looked up at him. Few are the situations in life, when a response to laughter is fear. Once such was this, where words meant to hurt, get a reaction so unexpected. She needn't have been scared, she should've known him better. Or maybe this is why, they really weren't meant for each other..

The first thoughts that came soothing the numbness of the mind were in jest; and that's why his response. Thoughts remembering words, he'd told her many a time before "You know why we are together, our names should tell us why. We are a celestial pair, our marriage happened in the heaven". "But we are a celestial pair, But we are a celestial pair" the thought kept repeating, trying to tune of everything else. As if a stuck tape, or a child by-hearting. Was this a sign, of onsetting madness?

 Collecting himself together, he now saw the trepidation in her eyes. Venkat put her at ease, told her "Hey it's nothing, really I'm fine!" He had to get up, or she would notice his eyes welling up. "Oh come on, big boy! Get a hold of yourself" he coaxed himself inside. He walked towards the door, Lakshmi got up to follow suit. They stepped outside, to the moonlit night. They could hear the river water gurgling, yearning to meet her lover, the sea. On one such night as this, they had first kissed..


Deepa Duraisamy said...

Welcome to the world of series :) It's fun isn't it? Breaking it out into pieces - but you really have to keep up the frequency. My first and second parts were a month apart, then the third finally caught on to a weekly update frequency! :) Better not to get into the out of sight out of mind funda!

Nice start, will wait to read the rest!

Deepa Duraisamy said...

Do read my series Second Chances if you get a chance. Three parts done so far, 4th should be out by this weekend.

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