Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Deep Sweet Meditation

In deep sweet meditation, the energy of prana
Only felt, in short unconscious breaths
The body steady, mind in peace
The world dancing by, but aham steady ease

In meditation realize, you were always one
Body can change, you are young and then aged
But eyes closed in depths, you still are the same

In touch do not be, to senses in body and mind
They all are external, to true self in life
Act in prayer, and let action be a prayer
Lose attachment to both, the action and the prayer

In deep sweet meditation, you see nothing yet all
You can watch yourself, from inside and the out
You can travel the universe, in distance and in time
And still come back to, your place behind the eye

In deep sweet meditation, you can feel what you want
Dive in cold water, or burn in blazing fire
Smell a fragrant flower, or touch a bird's nest
But still in end you come back, to sweet scent of self
One which no fragrance, yet as prana precious

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