A thing one should admit and accept, life is not bliss. There can only be moments of bliss. Man's life is not destined for too much of it. Be happy with the ones life gifts you with.
Everything else in life needs to be acted upon. Be it organizing the daily needs, your daily job or even loving. There will always be tons of paperwork, cleaning the house, the groceries, bank, repairs and insurance to do. Drudgery. It is part of life and one must accept it. It will occupy a significant portion of your life whether you like it or not.
You need a steady income. Man is a social being and will have social responsibilities. He is accountable for his family. So he may or may not like his job, but it definitely will take a lot out of him. It will be hard work which will strain and tire him. And he has to put up with it. If he wants to lead a respectable life in society, he dare not run away from it. May make sense for him to consciously begin appreciating it. There are many who lead lives doing tasks more menial than his. And many others ready to do tasks more menial than those to survive, but don't get a chance.
You need to make an effort in even love. Yes, love is a genuine feeling from the heart. A sweet pain without knowing which life is incomplete. And this feeling can at times last long. It may be your parent, kin, friend, child, girl(/boy)friend or spouse. Yet, this is a temporal feeling. The first mistake would be to think that this feeling will last so all your life. That if it is getting deeper or more joyful, it will continue to be so all your life. You wouldn't even be able to handle this feeling for one whole day. While it lasts for those blissful fifteen minutes of the day, enjoy it! Too much of anything is abhored, by anyone.
This is not really to say, you do not love the person. This is only to clear the air, on love the feeling. We do love (more than like) some people in our lives. Love is a committment. It can be very unselfish too; you want to give, not expecting anything from the person concerned.Their happiness makes us happy, their sadness fills us with grief. We are ready to go out of our way (to a limit, if we are sensible) to make them happy. We do think about them and care for them. We even do think and do for them, with the best intentions at heart. Love the feeling has a big role to play in this. For these people mean so much to us, because at some time or the other, they have made you experience love the feeling, in different forms (love the feeling towards your mother is different from love the feeling for your girlfriend). Instinct plays a big part as the root of love the feeling, and thus, acts of love.
As life in itself, everything in life is cyclical. Hence you will have fights and tiffs with your loved ones. (Upto a limit) One must expect it, be ready for it and accept it. Your relationships (not necessarily love the feeling) could grow deeper and richer due to these. It should not lead to a hasty severing of ties. If your mother is sick, no matter how bitter the last fight, you will run to her side to take care of her. And she will not be surprised. Humans are gray, not black or white.
Thus you never really will be in a constant high, be it satisfaction in work, romance or relations. And it is due to lack of this understanding, that 'creative' people need intoxicants. Humans by nature are creative in something or the other. Its only that some people spend most of their time in such tasks, and some, much less. Should say there might be no one who has not done anything creative, even if it be his/her own way of doing something, even walking. You have your inimitable style in doing many things, and that pours out of your natural creativity. Now my focus here is on those people who, usually by the nature of their daily jobs, do more creative activities than others. Every creative act, does give you a high. A simple example to explain what I call a creative act; my writing this is creative, but if I were to be copying this from somewhere else, it is not creative. The creative task is thus one that comes from within us. The creative task in itself might be taxing, but the end will definitely give you a high, the extent of which will be in direct proportion to its significance (to you or to others).
Nectar once tasted, leaves its temptation behind. It thus destroys more than it delivers. Those involved in creative jobs, similarly, get attached to that high. They keep wanting more of it. Work after a limit tires us. But greed does not. And hence these people turn to other sources. They may derive a similar high in liquor, lust and/or drugs. It is possible to see a positive impact initially on their daily job (due to increased state of happiness). But either due to the ease in the deriving the high, or due to its addictive nature and lack of individual will, these people get engulfed more and more by the flame of intoxicants. As time passes, they need to consume more of it to derive the same high. Not long after, the negative impacts are shown on their daily jobs and social life.
The first step as always, is obviously awareness. This is a sensitive topic and society cannot interfere without being charged with invasion of privacy. The individual and those who can appeal to him at the emotional level are the only ones who can help draw the line.
At the workplace, perhaps the nature of the job has become less creative for the individual to have thus begun looking for other avenues for satisfaction. Wherever possible, the corporate can introduce change (ambience, project, team), which might appeal to the individual's creative instincts (at least the adjustment to a new environment always does).
However, the best way to keep away from this whirlpool lies in the individual himself. Most sensible people quench the creativity thirst by involving themselves in hobbies they derive joy out of.
Life is a cycle; you never really can have more than your fair share of personal bliss without paying, possibly a higher (physical, mental, social) price for it!
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