Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Learning and Teaching

A little curious on how the process of learning works:
- When new to the subject matter, be it a project or a new topic as a student, everything seems confusing. One is trying to get a hang of things and connect the dots. What helps at these times is writing it down oneself. It really helps the mind anomeric streamline thoughts, come with questions, and at times the answers too due to focused and systematic thought process

- When one is in auto drive mode and in control of the subject matter, one at times wonders if anything's known at all. Everything seems to be flowing as a fountain from a pool of common sense and logic. Doing a weekly status tracking helps actually getting a sanity check of how much progress is made

- It is next only when teaching the subject matter, or a handing over or transitioning the project, that one gets a reality check of how far we've come. All the content and the various contexts! There seems to be not enough time to tell it all. And it perhaps isn't even completely possible also. The best advice one can give to the learner is what helped when one was learning: documenting what was learnt. The process of an exam or reverse KT which should include direct and logical questions, also helps.

In summary: There is no substitute to direct experience and the ability to learn and track what's learnt from experience is a lifelong skill!

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