Sunday, February 18, 2007

Verses for the day - Feb 18

I know I loved you, I know I slipped
I know I lost u, I know what I miss
Dream of you, I may not any longer
But that you belong, will true be forever

What we call poetry, verses that flow
Are nothing but that, my heart outpours
Don't call me a poet, for just what I write
Call me one, if you see rhythm in my life

Laden with lust, you see nothing else
The eyes are focused, and senses charged
Steps are pushed forward, balance jeopardized
The mind has been clouded, know not how and why
And the body losing all control, creates misery and rile

As water attains sparkle, in reflecting water not absorbing it
So too is joy, in sharing fortunes not amassing it

My words flow out, of feelings intense
They are not of reason, of mind undone

Now I sleep, in peace and bliss
Now I sleep, that between birth and death
Now I sleep, ignorant and awake
Now I sleep, for ever and never


Shiv said...

My words flow out, of feelings intense
They are not of reason, of mind undone

Nice one Pradeep

Diary-RTOAC said...

Thank You Shiv! Keep giving me feedback, even critical so I know :)

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