Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Nimitham Maatram

The desires ripened will fall off
And free the branches to grow high

Blow as the leaf and realise
The Gods of the senses do it

You, fellow creature
The Nimitham Maatram

The Mind inside exhausted
Does the God's bidding, acting

Comes to the point of Karma fulfilled
And there lays down all ties

You, the Karmic mind
The Nimitham Maatram

The Atman entrapped realises
That It is something greater

It was never, can never be curtailed
Expands the Atman to all
Transcends time and space

Laughs and smiles with compassion
It all is just so simple

There never were two, but the creation of one's mind
You the Atman were Never
The Nimitham Maatram

Prayer to set free

O Devi your child
Moves deluded in darkness
Eats poison fruits ignorant
Bless me Amme, set me free

I know not Maya
I love thy richness
But from rebirth waves
Do lead me ashore

The demons within
Destroy as Kali
The firm truths teach
As Devi Saraswati
And hold my hand
Guide me Parvathy!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Apply AI with ROI

There is currently a lot being talked about AI (Artificial Intelligence). It's being portrayed as having the ability to automate almost all use cases involving human intelligence. Cognitive i.e. being able to apply learning to real life unpredictable situations is being touted as the underlying foundation of this path. And the driverless Google car or the Sophie the Robot which received a Saudi citizenship are the best examples.

While all this may be true and rosy, the basics of Why and at what Cost should not be lost upon.
There are a plethora of instances where the services of a human at the other end will cost lesser than employing an automated solution, or worse, a robot.

I'll use the scenario of av automated solution or a robot to replace say bank customer service.
I'll first tackle Cost: Typically metrics are shared about ROI in terms of cost of human services multiplied by a number of years by which time the cost of building, teaching and deploying the robot would prove worthwhile. What's conveniently forgotten in these metrics is the cost of maintenance. Continuous teaching, fixing bugs, upgrading to latest Security threats and processing requirements. These could all drive up costs proportionality. Investment one could rather have made in building new businesses.
The other is Why: If you got fooled by the above ROI calculations, you are not an astute businessman anyways. But if you are looking at replacing specific areas of customer service then it might as well be smart! The reason for automation should be to provide better customer service in the first place, than to reduce cost. There should be no wait times for any customer who calls. If there are things than automation can immediately service, then give that route. Else if customer needs to speak to a human, give them that option in the main menu itself.

This is not to say that there are very valid scenarios like driverless cars where AI makes total sense.
But I can foresee a day when businesses will market that customers will speak to real humans for service calls, as a selling point for whatever product or service they are trying to sell.

This will really turn the tables on AI!

Sequence of Mahavakyas

We know the four Mahavakyas of Vedanta which are meant for contemplation on our reality and oneness with Brahman.

I have also thought and felt that there is a sequence in which these need to be meditated upon and realised.
The Mahavakyas also display a sequence of maturity. Below is the way I would sequence them in terms of profoundness and depth of meaning, from lower to higher:

1) Ayam Atmava Brahman: My Atman is Brahman. There is no enforcement of the fact that I am the Atman alone. I could well consider myself a combination of Atman (soul), Mind and body. And that one of these components (Atman) is Brahman.

2) Prajnanam Brahman: My consciousness is Brahman. That takes me to the next level of depth. We all feel conscious. And a sense of individuality. Also Prajnanam means a lot more, at the superficial level itself I understand that I and this feeling of consciousness, is Brahman. This consciousness some may even associate with the brain our mind. So now I understand that part is Brahman. I may still feel I have other parts as body and soul, of which soul also is Brahman. It should lead me to contemplate that if two parts of mine are Brahman, I might be the combination and two separate parts of soul and mind. And thus inferring, my body also could be Brahman. And that I'm Brahman as a hold. But is that so? The intellect might look for validation if the mind is thinking too much.

3) Tat Tvam Asi: You are That. Voila! This is the validation the intellect was looking for. So I am that Brahman. It clearly implies that. Isn't it?

4) Aham Brahmasmi: I am Brahman. Reinforces the idea and specifically calls it to be a fact.

So Aham Brahmasmi is the culmination of all the Mahavakyas. But to understand it's true import, the previous Mahavakyas are equally important to be meditated upon, and first!

Monday, January 22, 2018

Freedom is more important than independence

Imagine a situation where the country is independent from foreign rule, but after that the society imposes more restrictions on its own countrymen than the foreign powers did. Of what use would be such freedom?

The essence of being "independent" is not being exploited. One aspect is where foreign powers rob the country of its manpower and natural resources to benefit that foreign country's profit. But the other aspect is also where you stop education and basic liberties of your women, of those supposed to belong to lower man-made castes or tribals. Such independence will not be sustainable, leading to civil strife, loss of precious peace and monetary/manpower expense to maintain peace. And eventually get manipulated by vested interests (including politicians) and foreign powers for their self-interest.

This is not to say a total chaotic rule or lack of values in the name of "freedom". It's a thin line that I'll elaborate in a subsequent article. Balance is essential.

However, when rules are formed, care must be taken for universal health, education and freedom of choice within legal limits.

After educating the citizens of values and karmas leading to a happy peaceful life, it is then upto the citizens to live as has been advised or waste away life in the pursuit of short sighted pleasures and desires. When the right knowledge of the true reason of existence and that we all are essentially one is instilled by education, it is truly a matter of individual destiny and choice after that to follow them or not.

Friday, January 19, 2018

About those that passed away

On January 18 2018 it was Aravindakshan Mama. On December 27 2017 it was Amuma.
Elders of the Moothedath family. Passing away ripened by old age.
Amuma was suffering from Alzheimer's that grew severe since around after Deepu's marriage in late 2014. Ironical that a lady who was well read and could speak fluent English, had to go through this.
In the end though, she passed away peacefully at Lily Velyamma's home who, along with Sindhu Chechy and Sumana, Sneha had taken so good care of Amuma in these hardest years. Even earlier, Amuma used to be mostly with them.
God will bless them amply for this.

Mama passed away in the hospital, but still spared of any prolonged illness. Failure of a risky cardiac operation, which if not done would have made him suffer for the 6 months of life that would have been left. God bless his children who, keeping aside any consideration of cost went ahead with this chance. The rest is anyways God's will..

Given a choice though, I wouldn't want to go through costly procedures and would rather prefer letting the body suffer till the karmas burn out and the Prana lets go..

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Greater God only Witness

The Gods that punish, and are pleased and served
Those are called, the Saguna Brahmas
Those are not, the greatest God

The Nirguna Brahma, who manifests the Saguna
Is the one true God, silent witness, in all of us

He intervenes not, in our behalf
For he needn't, and is in all of us
Justice is served, for that also is him

He gives existence to stones
Also consciousness to life
Also eternal bliss, to the one who knows

This Nirguna Brahma, is also in us
Realise his presence, and the you are Him

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Experiences in parenting

When you get irritated with your child
And still witness with love
His every reaction, your protective love cautious

To not cause him much hurt, only to kick as giraffe
So he can stand on his feet

When he hugs you after, even though you just showed anger
Realise that the bond, has now forged in fire
Hug him back with love, you mock anger forgotten
Shower him with affection, so he feels protected

Not just happiness and sadness, are moments that make memories
It's such moments of upheaval, that prove truly fulfilling

Learning and Teaching

A little curious on how the process of learning works:
- When new to the subject matter, be it a project or a new topic as a student, everything seems confusing. One is trying to get a hang of things and connect the dots. What helps at these times is writing it down oneself. It really helps the mind anomeric streamline thoughts, come with questions, and at times the answers too due to focused and systematic thought process

- When one is in auto drive mode and in control of the subject matter, one at times wonders if anything's known at all. Everything seems to be flowing as a fountain from a pool of common sense and logic. Doing a weekly status tracking helps actually getting a sanity check of how much progress is made

- It is next only when teaching the subject matter, or a handing over or transitioning the project, that one gets a reality check of how far we've come. All the content and the various contexts! There seems to be not enough time to tell it all. And it perhaps isn't even completely possible also. The best advice one can give to the learner is what helped when one was learning: documenting what was learnt. The process of an exam or reverse KT which should include direct and logical questions, also helps.

In summary: There is no substitute to direct experience and the ability to learn and track what's learnt from experience is a lifelong skill!

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Aparokshanubhuti not likely authored by Adi Shankara

It is my sincere view that the Prakarana Grantham Aparokshanubhuti is not likely to be authored by Adi Shankaracharya.

Below are my reasons for this:

1) Like there are controversies about Veda Vyasa being given credit for more that what he could likely have achieved in a lifetime, or Shankaracharya's authorship of Shvetashwara Upanishad, this book is also under cloud with readers like me and scholars questioning Shankaracharya's authorship.

2) The English translator of this book Swami Vimuktananda himself has a slight doubt regarding the authorship. The author mentions how some of the stands taken by the writer of this book is different from Adi Shankaracharya's take in the Prasthanathraya Bhashyas

3) The writer taunts Yoga in multiple stanzas, asanas and Pranayama. This is unlike Adi Shankaracharya whose greatness was to accept all paths to moksha even when representing Advaita par excellence. This is very well expounded in his devotional hymns (Path of Bhakti) for various deities (Dvaita philosophy)

Thursday, January 04, 2018

Death not to regret

For the fire that leapt
In flames with no escape

For the tears that wept
In the dust and swept

I held no remorse
It was time to celebrate

Yes truly why do you feel
That death doth separate

You think more of the person
You hardly otherwise do

Memories refresh mind
Like waves on a beach do

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

What kind of freedom

Not freedom meaning lack of discipline
But freedom based on values and conscience

Not freedom if there is pride of doing nothing
But freedom led by duties and responsibilities

Not freedom without a direction
But freedom built on sense of purpose

Is the freedom that gives peace and happiness
Is the freedom that gives true satisfaction

Action in Inaction and Inaction in Action

Was listening to Swami Sarvapriyananda explaining what was Shankaracharya's wonderful elucidation of the Bhagavad Gita's verse which goes "One who can see action in inaction, and inaction in action, is enlightened"

Shankaracharya used the example of a person sitting on moving boat and watching the bank of the river.
He sees the trees passing behind well knowing that the trees are not the one in motion (inaction in action).
He knows that he is seated in one place but witnessing this motion (action in inaction).
His action in witnessing the event is what is leading to the perception of the moving trees. The two actions are thus even dependant and related.

There is no way that the consciousness lights something that isn't at least existing for the consciousness to witness.

This very consciousness is actually the one projecting the objects witnessed. Objects which are constantly in action, objects which really are nothing more than a lighting/projection in consciousness, that would cease to act and exist when the consciousness does not light them up, as in sleep. So all this action really doesn't happen without the consciousness that lights it up, that projects/creates it as in a dream.
There really is thus no action happening from the perspective of the illuminating consciousness!

However this lighting up, this illuminating what exists around us, is the only action there is while one does not realise it. Being the product of its very  own power Maya, the fact that objects around us are illuminated, is the only action that happens while it's not directly clear, as the senses focus on the actions of the objects around.
This apparent doing nothing is verily the only action there is, which makes all the apparent actions that we experience with objects around us.
This is how there is action in only the witnessing / illuminating / projecting of the sensory world via the power of Maya. This apparent inaction is the only action that actually happens!

All modes dualist, qualified and pure non dualism are true

All modes are true, as Hanuman seems said
Dual, Qualified and Pure Non Dual
It's just the stage of one's own growth

Bears no merit, to fight each other
When the world outside is led astray

Go forth, move ahead, respect all views
Focus on spreading, your word of God
Let who's attracted accept

Keep it simple, informing masses
Save philosophies for those ready
Service, Love, Knowledge eternal
Isn't that what all prescribe

Why Krishna exhorted Arjuna to war

There are various view points on why Krishna did not stop Arjuna from fighting the Mahabharata war when he had the chance.

What's forgotten here is that at this point it was too late:
- Krishna had tried every means to secure peace
- Even the Pandavas had tried every means. Even just seeking 5 villages to rule, which too was refused
- Arjuna was facing delusion than anything else at the cusp of war. A feeling of attachment and a sense of losing relatives. It wasn't based on Dharma/Justice
- Arjuna leaving would probably not have avoided the war
- Instead leaving the battlefield at this point would have meant that one is a coward towards injustice. This is why Krishna tries to enthuse him with similar words.

There is a beautiful example by Mata Amrita:
If someone tries to take possession of something that belongs to us (material or person). Note it need not be a human, it could even be an animal, not very different from how humans are when senses are blurred (through intoxication of desire):
- First we can try to wake him from his stupor by alerting him on the wrong action
- Next we can try reason with him, that this action is not logical and ethical
- If even then wrong action is to be averted, you would have to apply force.

In today's world it would be an act of self defence if it can't wait. Else it can go to the police and court in defence of what belongs to us.

Accepting wrong and walking away is cowardice and not acceptable in any religion/culture/social norm.

This is simply what Krishna understood.

I've switched to

Dear reader, I've switched to WordPress upon getting the pop-up that the current Blogger app is not configured to the upgraded version ...