Sunday, May 20, 2018

iCare! Really?? They care only for profits..

This is the kind of service why I discourage people from buying Apple products: It's not enough that they tie up the hardware and software components and do not share their OS software with other manufacturers. Hardware that only works with their own types of charges. And versions that copy features from tried and successful ones from Android. In turn earning around 50% profit while all the while trying to skip tax.
When my iPhone 6 stopped working, I walked into an apple store and be tells me they can't fix. I've to choose among the one of 2-3 icare center' far off in the city (speak of inconvenience).
So I try to show it in tech garage franchise who tells me the bad part is out of stock (Apple won't supply on time).
I walk in finally into icare and they are offended I tried someplace else. They call it "unauthorised service performed" and won't fix it.
Really!! Stop calling it "iCare". They only care for profits.

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