Thursday, December 14, 2017

It is a jiva right now. Brahman is later

All through Advaita and Advaitins keep harping that we are Brahman, and so is all around.

There are Advaitins who go to great lengths with this view to even explain (rather deny) the Vyavaharika and Sukshma. For example, when asked about reincarnation they say there is no life, then what to say about reincarnation. Likewise when asked about expressing anger, they say it's only in mind and not in Brahman. This doesn't help the common man and instead confuses and drives them away from Advaita as something very abstract and not helpful for practical life.

Of course the true masters of Advaita as Adi Shankaracharya, Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda and even Swami Sarvapriyananda and others understand this, and hence always recommend that we start with Bhakti. This is the simplest means for the masses. Then to pair it with Raja Yoga (meditation, Pranayama, asanas). And then to grow into Karma yoga. And only later into Jnana yoga / Advaita.

Vedanta itself says that the world is considered Mithya not because it's false but appears as something else.
Likewise all of us are Jiva right now, a combination of pure Brahman with impure Sukshma that carries vasanas across births and bound by causality, space and time.

Knowing this, we all need to adhere to Sadhanas, respect and follow all the Yogas, for now only "knowing" that the truth that Brahman only Is. But something that we have to yet "realise" at some point in time (yes within the confines of Maya before being freed from it)!

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