Friday, September 25, 2015

That austerity not richness

Austerity and Richness are not two things..perhaps they are's how each is perceived is what differs.

Almost every major religion in the world lays a premium on Austerity. It's a way you carry yourself. Simple wants. That does not mean the exemplars of these religions are in poverty. You might see grand luxury around them, but a total indifference to it in the hearts of these true practitioners. And a complete sense of satisfaction beaming in the aura around them.

True Richness is thus not to be confused with luxury. It's real existence lies in the heart. It's greatest symbolism is when a half-smile always graces our face. It's greatest feeling is a sense of Bliss felt within us.

It is not earned by ignorance to the world around. For that, although of immediate disturbance to this feeling, will leave us with a feeling of regret in the depth of our hearts. Rather it lies in a sense of Service. And dedicating every effort and every circumstance as an offering or blessing respectively of a higher power. Which also does not mean we lose our sense of balance. Every human knows when he's played his part. There is only so much that we are meant to do. Life is truly democratic. Every person, like a vote, matters. Each of us can do only as much as one person can. Be at Peace and dedicate it to Lord, the Benevolent you gave us this opportunity to be a medium for good!

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