Sunday, September 27, 2015

This world is real, but not the truth

This world is real, there is no denying that. Anyone wanting to draw people to inquire further within themselves, cannot start by telling them that this world they lived by all along, the giver of all his experiences, is in itself false.

Nature, the world, this universe follows the cycle of Karma. If this world didn't even exist, there would have not been any compulsions towards following the laws. The message actually to be conveyed is, that's it's not just this. This world is not everything. The external experiences are not everything. There is a Truth. Which is what each of us, in our inner selves, strives to pursue.

There is a Truth about creation, about who we are. We are not just this body, and this is not our only life. All the hoopla about we all live just once is wrong. It draws us towards animalistic tendencies, and we suffer. The freedom, the realization of truth, the accomplishment of life, lies in pursuing this truth. And it does not exist in the external world. Inquire Within!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Narasimham series Part 5: Where it all begins

Part 4 | As darkness grew, his vision did not dim. How was he able to see this clearly in the dark with human eyes. Why were his legs not tired sprinting this fast. Till when will the heart sustain this high heart rate. And why, why amidst all this, is the mind without fear or concern.

He realized something. He was now just the Witness. Firmly established in his Self. Both the body, and mind, were taken over, by Narasimham himself. But why this conviction that it's Narasimham possessing him. Why doesn't any other Deity's name come to mind. It's only the mind that can carry impressions. And since the mind's no longer mind, it has to be coming from I, the All-knowing Self.

He was now running up a mountain. And once at the top, he could see something magnificant, yet oddly familiar. A huge palace lit up at the other side of the mountain. Glowing as if stars each with the brightness of the sun, within four walls.

He let out a loud roar, which even shocked him!! This, he knew, is where it all begins! | Part 6

Friday, September 25, 2015

That austerity not richness

Austerity and Richness are not two things..perhaps they are's how each is perceived is what differs.

Almost every major religion in the world lays a premium on Austerity. It's a way you carry yourself. Simple wants. That does not mean the exemplars of these religions are in poverty. You might see grand luxury around them, but a total indifference to it in the hearts of these true practitioners. And a complete sense of satisfaction beaming in the aura around them.

True Richness is thus not to be confused with luxury. It's real existence lies in the heart. It's greatest symbolism is when a half-smile always graces our face. It's greatest feeling is a sense of Bliss felt within us.

It is not earned by ignorance to the world around. For that, although of immediate disturbance to this feeling, will leave us with a feeling of regret in the depth of our hearts. Rather it lies in a sense of Service. And dedicating every effort and every circumstance as an offering or blessing respectively of a higher power. Which also does not mean we lose our sense of balance. Every human knows when he's played his part. There is only so much that we are meant to do. Life is truly democratic. Every person, like a vote, matters. Each of us can do only as much as one person can. Be at Peace and dedicate it to Lord, the Benevolent you gave us this opportunity to be a medium for good!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

What is our Identity, our Purpose

Our identity is one, that we all are One
Oneness of creation, just manifested different
Realize at one level, you are looking at this
You stand aside and you, are going through this

Our purpose is one, to reach back that One
That is the aspiration, our one final goal
That is the thirst, we try to quench in here
Realize that aim, will be fulfilled one day
So why not start, that journey within?

Alone, or Not..

Alone you think, you walk in this world
It's a perception reached, at half-walked journey
No attachments, no possessions, no one belongs to you

But walk a bit further, and you will see
That actually they all, belong to you
And not just humans, but every element around
And not just around, every element within

For you are in them, the same Essence Supreme
Every creation is manifest, a limited version
Go within to realize, your very true Self
And come out then to visualize, a whole new Life

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Dear 2-wheeler driver, your life is your responsibility

Driving in India is getting harder: Auto-manufacturers tap into the middle class and especially the urban generation, and wean them away from public transport. While the erstwhile inefficient, indifferent public transport system catches on to what's happening and tries to pull up its socks, the customer base is already gone. This in turn lends to a vicious cycle where transport, even if attempting to be efficient, is not able to get ROI.

That's one end of the spectrum of discussion. The other outcome of this issue is this: We have a plethora of individual drivers on the road, increasing year on year. The road infrastructure in India is not geared to handle this. There is no more space! The result: more vehicles on the same roads. Frustrated drivers, trying to get to where they want to. It's a tempting incentive to bad driving habits, cutting other vehicles when driving, or worse, breaking traffic lights.

The vast majority in the private vehicle driving community are the two-wheeler drivers. And while they can always weave through and get ahead when everyone's stuck in a traffic light, I hardly understand why they try to cut other vehicles on the road, even when at high-speed. They literally hand over their life to the other driver, expecting them to be a defensive driver. If just one such vehicle is a driver like this two-wheeler, the person losing his life will be this two-wheeler driver, not the person behind a four-wheeler's steering wheel.

It doesn't matter then about the nitty-gritties. Whose fault, who should have been slower, did the two wheeler leave enough gap, blah blah. In most probability, your life's gone! And for sure, the person who's riding along with you, for 90% chances are, you haven't given him a helmet!!

Please think over this..I needn't preach on how to drive, and be safe...for it leads to nit-picking of the ideas suggested, or the infrastructure issues I already put the basic blam on, above.
My intent is every two-wheeler driver just think over this and take what's necessary to protect his/her life.

Sunday, September 06, 2015

It's all a cycle

A woman walking into temple
Is like a Devi visiting the Goddess

Rain spraying the Earth
Is it not really, just returning home

All of nature, is reflection of itself
Just forms and cycles
And factors of time

I was here before, in different time and form
As rain water was, the vast ocean once

She is a Goddess, may not know it today
She walks into temple, to merge into One

I've switched to

Dear reader, I've switched to WordPress upon getting the pop-up that the current Blogger app is not configured to the upgraded version ...