Saturday, July 04, 2015

Health is only the means to the end..

This is in continuation of my earlier article in this blog. That article attempted to assert that the goal of exercises is health, and not fitness (link).

My current article puts for the claim that even "Health", must be seen for what it is. We are not given health to protect it per se. So if you are healthy and think I should stay in a germ-free room to retain it that way, you are missing the point. You are losing out on living life, which truly, is the purpose of health.

Parents, with the protective mindset over their children, try to keep them from dirtying in the mud, or at extremes, from contact with other kids even if with runny noses. Guess what, while some might know that the physical level itself you are stifling this child's immunity. Most still do not realize that they are stealing the small pleasures from this child's life.

One has true understanding of life that health is best sustained by nature, and everything in it. The hint is from the very fact that the act of living itself sustains on a fine balance. If you don't take that next breath inside, your physical life ends. Health is given for the very purpose that you go outdoors and experience life, and contribute to it. That is in itself its best sustenance.

So to those who spend half their days counting calories, exercising, grooming, cleaning, my suggestion is, discretion. Your body is a temple keep it clean, but not to the extreme that you squeeze a sanitizer each time you pass from one room to the other. Watch what you eat, but stop counting calories. Do give in to some cravings sometimes. If you want to forego something first, start with meat!

Your goals should not be around losing weight or walking more steps this year. They will automatically happen, to optimal levels, if your goals are set higher, truly towards fulfilling the purpose of life.

Share, practice charity, serve others, make goals around ideals like these. Practices adopted around those will provide more satisfaction leading to better health. When you serve the needy, you automatically value what and how much you eat; you realize how much more of a privileged life you lead, and get more contentment.

At higher levels of maturity, when you see life for what it is, a repeating cycle, long if not endless, somewhat like the Truman Show, you will take a step back. And realize the need for higher spiritual goals.Health of the physical body (at least the sheath sustained by food) stops mattering at that point. And it takes on newer mental, spiritual meanings, and even definition!

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