Sunday, July 26, 2015

Narasimham series Part 4: The Sense of Purpose

Part 3 | He was unable to remember, his very name itself. He looked and felt like the sadhu he was. But where was he now, and what he was doing, was unbeknownst to even him. Somehow, this place, was familiar yet not the same. Why!

But there is something he felt, a sense of purpose. He had started walking fast, but it was the legs leading, not mind. There was an urge in him, to fulfill something. He was going somewhere for that; his body the medium.

The places he was walking, were all deserted. Although in specks around he could he smoke rising, like those from inhabited villages. Those paths were being avoided, but not by his conscious mind at least. He waded through a lake, which washed him of the blood stains. And as dusk gave way to night, he was only getting stronger. For some reason his legs, had now started running.

But despite all this, that he was going someplace, he realized one thing. Aah, how much peace! Just if the world realized, that to be at Ease, is not really laziness, but the very way to be. No matter what you do externally, let your inner world, your true self, be always at Ease! | Part 5

Get Along

Wars are fought, and hatred kindled
In name of religion, is mankind driven
Why not just rename, to spiritual bliss
Why don't we just, for once get along

Of all the complaints, of all this mess
It's a cycle, that never ever ends
You got hurt, and you blame me
Perhaps even knowing, I never intended to be

This world is large, throbbing with life
And its been like this, maybe forever
In a miniscule of time, and space we belong
Why matters thus, why not get along

Saturday, July 18, 2015

If you throw a tomato from here, it will quelch

That's what he said, and looked at me straight. It was a threat. I'd known him long, and that didn't matter. He was most back-patting friendly when the occasion arose. And perhaps that's why I admired him. The way he was true to the moment.

He walked with a limp, but the physical limitation didn't seem to bother him. The way he said it would make any listener believe he could do it if he wanted to.

"And I'm not threatening you" he said, as if reading my thoughts, "This is to introspect on how to live life, as a ball or a tomato?" he added.
"Well that's not impossible too, reading thoughts, if only I can suspend breath a little bit". he said ironically assuring. My expression must be giving me away..Wow, who needs to read thoughts if you can read body language, I thought.
"Agree" he said. This guy knows me just too well. He knows my thought process, why'd he need to read my thoughts.
Isn't this the very reason I chose him as Guru (or was it the other way round). The very blessing I got this life. A Guru who knows and guides. Someone I could submit humbly to, to advise, and to guide.

Free the moment

It is not the end, the walk in the woods
Every cycle we trapped in, leads us back home

Every thing I learnt, was already known to Me
Each moment here, a gift of breath

I was here before, and will be here again
To remember or realize this, is true freedom

A birth now, and the way it is, a blessing
This moment a moment to strive, and grow beyond

Saturday, July 04, 2015

Health is only the means to the end..

This is in continuation of my earlier article in this blog. That article attempted to assert that the goal of exercises is health, and not fitness (link).

My current article puts for the claim that even "Health", must be seen for what it is. We are not given health to protect it per se. So if you are healthy and think I should stay in a germ-free room to retain it that way, you are missing the point. You are losing out on living life, which truly, is the purpose of health.

Parents, with the protective mindset over their children, try to keep them from dirtying in the mud, or at extremes, from contact with other kids even if with runny noses. Guess what, while some might know that the physical level itself you are stifling this child's immunity. Most still do not realize that they are stealing the small pleasures from this child's life.

One has true understanding of life that health is best sustained by nature, and everything in it. The hint is from the very fact that the act of living itself sustains on a fine balance. If you don't take that next breath inside, your physical life ends. Health is given for the very purpose that you go outdoors and experience life, and contribute to it. That is in itself its best sustenance.

So to those who spend half their days counting calories, exercising, grooming, cleaning, my suggestion is, discretion. Your body is a temple keep it clean, but not to the extreme that you squeeze a sanitizer each time you pass from one room to the other. Watch what you eat, but stop counting calories. Do give in to some cravings sometimes. If you want to forego something first, start with meat!

Your goals should not be around losing weight or walking more steps this year. They will automatically happen, to optimal levels, if your goals are set higher, truly towards fulfilling the purpose of life.

Share, practice charity, serve others, make goals around ideals like these. Practices adopted around those will provide more satisfaction leading to better health. When you serve the needy, you automatically value what and how much you eat; you realize how much more of a privileged life you lead, and get more contentment.

At higher levels of maturity, when you see life for what it is, a repeating cycle, long if not endless, somewhat like the Truman Show, you will take a step back. And realize the need for higher spiritual goals.Health of the physical body (at least the sheath sustained by food) stops mattering at that point. And it takes on newer mental, spiritual meanings, and even definition!


Every rainfall, is witness to this
I miss, I really miss you Miss

You might think, this is nutcase case
I say it's really, my nuts and bolts

I walk behind you, I stutter standing beside
I don't know why, my heart leaps and flies

This sweet pain is something, I can feel upto lips
Will you ever, share with me, a kiss?

Why morning tea/coffee?

It's a tradition, or maybe a part of culture. But every morning, people all around the world, wake up to have a cup of tea or coffee. And funnily, just after they have brushed their teeth. And why so, only to get back some teeth stain?

Those who've researched it, know the reason. It is, at the end of the day, an addiction, because of the caffeine in it.  And many of those who've researched this even still continue to consume it. While there is freedom to choose, true freedom comes with reducing dependence correct?

I can understand someone feeling sleepy post lunch, and going for a cuppa to ensure his attention stays rapt in the subsequent meetings. But why mornings when you are supposed to have woken up fresh? Ironically, most consider this to be the exact reason why we consume tea/coffee in the mornings; to feel fresh! Well then, you have a problem at hand. Either you are not sleeping well, or not long enough. Fix that!

It's common experience that a hot cup of morning tea helps loosen the bowels, which as a practice is ideal from a health perspective. But I can assure you, the same effect can be delivered by both hot water, or even lukewarm water. It is only mental conditioning to credit a diuretic (that is, something that ironically causes your body to actually lose water) for it.

So, Think Again, and Revisit.

I've switched to

Dear reader, I've switched to WordPress upon getting the pop-up that the current Blogger app is not configured to the upgraded version ...