Whenever I step out early mornings, am surprised to note that news"papers" (the hard-copy) are still in circulation. We went to a friend's home who'd moved to Bangalore recently, and I noted they were signing up for not one, but multiple newspaper subscriptions. It got me thinking...
Maybe because newspapers in the US weaker on content (at least the reasonably priced ones) having an ads-to-news ratio of 10:1, and with news again largely focused on domestic sports leagues, I easily got rid of the habit of subscribing to newspaper hard-copies with a span of months there. When in India earlier (and this was the pre-smartphone era) I couldn't do without a daily dose of "The Hindu" and "The Economic Times". But in the US, WiFi was ubiquitous and I slowly started adapting to opening up news websites to read. And over time, with the advent of smartphones, to the newspaper apps, and now to news aggregator apps So the key I think is: Adapt!
Now back in India I see WiFi is equally fast and reliable, and news aggregator apps are aplenty the world over. The "Google News" App I relied on in US, is equally good here. In the sense, with sourcing content from local news and newspaper editions. It was surprising! India's come a long way in adapting to the digital era in the past decade.
So now it's time for mine and the generation after to think of weaning ourselves away from newspapers. I haven't done any research, but common-sense says that big bundle of "Times of India" which is half-filled with sleaze and gossip, and the rest mainly in ads and then content, comes with an environmental cost to manufacturing it. A cost higher that if you'd have opened up their website or their app, or added them as a preferred content provider in the Google News (or any other aggregator) app.
The cycle of supply-and-demand still subsidizes the annual news"paper" subscription cost, so we don't feel the pinch in continuing to subscribe. And this in turn keeps the vicious printing cycle going. I know some who have "Think before your print" under their email signature but don't think much about subscribing to newspapers. Reasons varying from habit to eye-strain to the smell of the newspaper to well, nostalgia.
It's time to put an end to this. For it is only we, the readers, can put an end to it. And when the solution is only more convenient that the alternative, why not!
I can understand the generation before ours will find it harder to adapt.
But for the rest of us, my slogan is: Cmon, logon!
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