Sunday, February 08, 2015

Wear your helmets

It is a very simple matter. A seemingly most obvious thing. But yet we see ourselves and those around not implementing it. The easy part of wearing the helmet when driving or ferrying someone on a two wheeler.

I'm not sure why it takes legislation. It's a striking matter that following this requires enforcement. I'm sure there must be even some pressure / lobbying against further policying on this. Which is why even in metros like Bangalore I see the driver putting on his helmet (because the traffic cops do a good job) but never bothering about the passenger they pillion.

This is not a question of driving skills. No, I'm not questioning skill, care while driving or experience. It's the simple fact that an accident is just that, an accident, a happening. And there is an equal if not higher chance of it happening due to external factors beyond your control. It might be purely the other driver's fault. Or bad roads or natural causes like poor visibility or rainy weather. But who loses, in the absence of the helmet!

It's a different matter that in my opinion Indian driving standards and traffic congestion are not even the place for two wheelers. But this is the bare minimum a two wheeler driver should ensure before he/she takes himself and someone along for a ride.

It was a heartening sight recently though to see a mother who was taking her kid along (who was standing in the front space of the scooty)making sure the kid had small helmet on. I've seen them going thus multiple times now.

I feel admiration but ask myself why. Isn't it that obvious!

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