Sunday, October 12, 2014

Thoughts on Yugas and Vasanas

In Sanatana Dharma, you see all this mention of the Four Yugas, and how we are in the Kalki Yuga. I shared an article on Google Plus yesterday on a coincidental reflection of why these Yugas are not really periods in time, as much as in Dimension. And I saw this being elaborated in the article I shared.

I've read books and heard talks of how there are angels who guide us. Perhaps departed well-wishing souls. Perhaps forms of Energy which are symbolized in idols. Where do these angels live in. If we have a concept of time in our world, there must be a similar concept in theirs. The souls we see departing from human life go to a state of rest. There must be a concept of time after which they come back. And for simplicity sake, there must be a concept of space to where they rest. Perhaps that's where the four Yugas exist as Satya, Treta, Dwapara and Kalki. Based on their Karmas in human life, the Vasanas that get built them, take them to the corresponding Yuga (dimension).

And then all that's mentioned in multiple articles makes sense. The lives in each Yuga ranging from blissful (Satya Yuga) to incrementally less peaceful in each...makes the heaven-hell concept in Christianity easier to understand too.

The article I shared had a wonderful insight into this, as aspect I had not thought of. The Four Yugas could be a reflection of stages of self-realization. We, in this Life itself are in Kalki to Satya based on our level of Self-Realization. Or, as Swami Vivekananda had once analogized, when our soul expands beyond a stage (yuga), we are unable to stay within the cage of the human body. And we depart this body, while entering the next stage. But it's quite clear in multiple expositions, that "life" continues. "Life" based on our human wordly perception is what ceases, and too perhaps just temporarily. So maybe there's a threshold of Yuga we can achieve while staying in human life, after which the next stage involves leaving this body. I'm not sure what this threshold is; could be the Dwapara, or who knows, the Satya Yuga itself!

Kalki to Satya might play out after departure from human life too, reflecting the fluidity of life-force itself. And that's where the concept of Vasanas can help explain..

When the Gita says intent, not the action itself, is supreme; or when sages have said the last thought before departure from human life plays a part. What they are all alluding to is the "impressions" or Vasanas like Sri Sri Ravi Sankar straight away explained it as. I saw it specified in another article how the subtle body behind the physical form is on which these impressions or vasanas are getting recorded. It was also an interesting mention that both good and bad karmas cause the vasanas, and there cannot be a balance of either good or bad, for us to stop the cycle of rebirth. To "dissolve" these Karmas, is why Ravi Sankar advises doing every action in the mode of awareness. That in itself separates the seer from the doer. Or the Jagadguru's teachings advise - in a more easier form to understand for the layman - to dedicate every action to God.

This is perhaps how the intelligent force behind creation does not carry any bad Karmas even after natural calamities. Or even when wars happened and lives were lost in his incarnations. These weren't happening because of his intent. He is just playing the medium for Karmic results to play out..

A strange universe we will in, which exists within this soul and where we are part of every galaxy. Where time and space are no restriction. Which is how Sadhus and realized souls easily look into us and tell us things from our past and future..of a Satya Yuga full of bliss from where can come back to human life only when we choose to, or else we live there forever (concept of Heaven)..Amazing! If only we "Realize"!!

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