Thursday, October 30, 2014

Picking up trash, but with flowers in hair

No sight of grace touched me more. When they say no job is below anybody's dignity, I saw it within trash-cleaners in our apartment. They value their job, and it doesn't make them feel small. So hygienic, they'd worn neat modest sarees, foreheads showing they'd been to the temple. I couln't be more inspired. I bow to them.

And we learn that life gives as one has sowed. I hope then they get bountiful good in return later...

In life we speak of intent and action. Krishna said right intent of following Dharma is more important, whatever is the vocation you seek.

But does correct intent justify misbehavior or violence to others. Does intent rule over action. I think not. I think the "correct"ness of the intent itself is relative. We might think we are defending our liberty of expression when telling all. But a national security matter might be at stake. This is where document-leaking journalists at times go wrong.
Rather, if intent is to do one's Dharma of reporting, without the intent to hurt, you'd stop when authorities and other journalists explain the repercussions.

Now does action rule over intent. I think that's a clear no. For example, a cruel policeman might be saving a woman from a rapist, but actually beating him to death to quench his blood-lust. So that doesn't count. If the same were being done with the intent being to hurt the rapist, in anger of having hurt the woman, it's different. But the highest is the attitude of just doing his job, not as a robot, but out of true compassion. That like a true soldier!

The lessons life teaches, it teaches in trickles...

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