Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Don't Stop Short

I'm a strong believer in the Law of Karma. If you observe nature and life around you, you will undeniably see the law playing out. As you sow, so you reap. You do wrong, you pay for it. But you pay sooner if you stop short. For example, I see a lot of Hindi movies where the glorified protagonist commits murder, does smuggling (and the worst of vices), but would stop short of (say) gambling, because (believe it or not) he has values! I can assure you, per the law, such people would sooner or later be wiped off in real life.
If you have taken a path, just stick to it and do all that it takes. If you are not ready to go beyond a point, then be ready to give it all up (and perhaps that is good for you).
To take the theory a step further, if you start something, dream of something, be sure to just doggedly try to reach it. Life is eventually won by those who persevere. The ones who are more capable end up working for these gutsy achievers. Be it in love or any other situation in life, if you keep trying, the universe just conspires you to succeed. That's simply the law of nature. Skills, capabilities and even talent have limited influence if not followed up by perseverance. Life does not run by Logical, rational laws, but by the law of Karma; by what has added up based on your actions.

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