Monday, January 15, 2007

Move On

The sun that shines, brown mountains stare
Leaves blowing by, while cold winds wrap
Trees shedding their loads, all eyes moistened
A deep breath, a sigh, my constant longing

Twigs cracking beneath, my sullen walk
Rivers still tied down, stirring for travel
My face silenced, now breaks into a smile
My heart has known you, O waters from far
Man hears from nature, in feelings not sound

A rare stone house, inmates cuddled
Slanted roofs holding on, to other wooden walls
The furnace still smarting, from a night of heat
My hands reaching out, for a caressing touch

Ice creams still sell, iced liquids gulped
Seasons have changed, but life has not
Cocoons will not break, till caterpillars struggle
And life will not budge, till inmates move on

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