Saturday, May 26, 2018

Meditate and move on

The depth and silence in meditative mind
Takes me there to where peace lies
To the bliss that deep sleep enjoys
But refuses to share and let me keep

I go about mistakes in waking world
I need step back and shrug it off
For none that happened with my intent
Is nothing but Prarabdha in itself potent

Sunday, May 20, 2018

iCare! Really?? They care only for profits..

This is the kind of service why I discourage people from buying Apple products: It's not enough that they tie up the hardware and software components and do not share their OS software with other manufacturers. Hardware that only works with their own types of charges. And versions that copy features from tried and successful ones from Android. In turn earning around 50% profit while all the while trying to skip tax.
When my iPhone 6 stopped working, I walked into an apple store and be tells me they can't fix. I've to choose among the one of 2-3 icare center' far off in the city (speak of inconvenience).
So I try to show it in tech garage franchise who tells me the bad part is out of stock (Apple won't supply on time).
I walk in finally into icare and they are offended I tried someplace else. They call it "unauthorised service performed" and won't fix it.
Really!! Stop calling it "iCare". They only care for profits.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Sweet devotion

Maha Vishnu Bless me with devotion
May the thirst of pleasures be gone forever

Replace it forever with the bliss I feel now
Replace it I pray with overflowing love

Your beauty magnificent
As Narayana and Krishna
May this bubble over my world

May I lord not forget this feeling
May it not lose it and pain for it
May I not be deluded by all that the world offers

I fall at your lotus feet to fulfill this prayer

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Bless me Sharade

Dear Sharade, whose one thought drives away all impurities in mind
Mother Sharade, who keeps her children always under her watch
May your grace always be upon us

Jnaana pradaayani, one with face radiating austere calm
Who carries a book, that initiates children on Vidyarambham
May you remove the ignorance that clouds our knowledge

Moksha pradaayani, with the rosary in hand
Be my Guru and grant me my mantra
Give me your vision that frees me from Samsara

Thursday, May 10, 2018

All those successful are agents not doers

There is this ill-advised rush to emulate role models. Definitely do so in their work ethic or sadhanas which are in tune with Dharma. But please do not let it supersede your logic and values.

What the role models i.e. the succesful ones in their field of work, and their fans / followers need to realise that we all are just the medium. Instruments in the hands of a higher force, or God to put it simply. This higher force carries out both the good and the bad and also the destruction of the bad by the good and the rekindling of the bad. For that is the balance of nature.

Even these role models are not the doers but the agents. The followers need to realise that it could very well have been them. But instead this person was made to be the agent. And that too primarily due to his Karma in the previous birth! Knowing this fact, will keep you at peace with yourself. Without disturbance in mind, this knowledge let's you focus on what is right, on what is good.

On keeping the balance, because it's definitely not worth getting success at work losing out on family. Or success in studies without sports and all-round personality development. May parents realise this, and refrain from pressuring their children for not doing enough. The child has come with his set of karma. Your duty is in making sure he/she has a complete childhood, to the best you can. Let go the results!

With this knowledge, do not emulate your role models and drink liquor because they do, or use swear words because the class topper also does. Do not likewise be upset that despite all your efforts you don't get the results that people putting half the efforts have achieved. They've earned it, in their previous life!

Likewise those at the other end, the succesful ones, may they realise this too and let success not go over their heads. To inspite lead a balanced life and also accept that even with doing all things exactly the same way, success could even elude them some day. Don't worry about it. Go about living a good, complete life at all times.

In short, do your best and lead a balanced life.

The purest love

In love at its purest form, the body is not seen
The face is seen to recognise the individual
But otherwise even that didn't matter

Only matters is the presence of the person
One that evokes the sweetest pain
It even comes along with memory or thought
Involving that one closest to heart

One pines the presence to deepen the memory
To variegate the experience, still not needing even touch

This purest love, hope all have loved
And moved on too to leave it unblemished
Only to love and cherish, as fragrant memory

Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Sleep is done

Wake up from Tamas, don't force yourself sleep
If child awakes after 5, let him enjoy sunlight

Call not it rest, forcing body back to sleep
If you have been laying, for 6 hours at night

The early morning dreams, do nothing than agitate
Of what use that sleep, where tamas rouses rajas

There is nothing more of beauty, than that of sunrise
Let those rays brighten mind and body, ushering a majestic day

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Give me the chance to see my love the sunrise

The rising red ball of fire
The one that turns into a rounded laddoo
My love that comes with cool morning air
That golden sun may I see once

The nights are busy, my child weeps
He refuses to go into a good night's sleep
He demands stories and wakes up late
I wish he were there to welcome you home

The work and calls and needless thoughts
They all that keep me away from beloved
The beautiful sun that brightens my day
I wish to pray to my each morning

Monday, May 07, 2018

Where is it

Where is it now, the freedom to walk
To run and fly, on the water trail

The freedom to cherish, to fulfill a desire
To caress and kiss, the fleeting butterflies

Where are the carefree, moments of day
The windy afternoons, the cosy nights

Sunday, May 06, 2018

Advaita for world peace

Advaita, as some might know, is that viewpoint of Vedanta which talks in terms of 'Non Dualism'. It simply says "Aham Brahmasmi". That we all are that one Atman.

And among the best of the corrolaries of this philosophy, is that it accepts all viewpoints. It's equally accepting of all religious paths and even atheists.

Advaitins do not see a difference between one and other, be it living or non-living. We in essence are the witness consciousness in all of us, projecting whatever we see and perceive around us.

Advaita doesn't stop us from whatever we follow or do as spiritual practice. The foundation or Sadhana of Advaita are the Sadhana Chatushtaya including Viveka (Being able to separate the eternal from the fleeting), Vairagya (renunciation of the fleeting), Shatsampat or six-fold disciplines (Kshama or mind control, Dhama or sense control, Uparati or withdrawal from the external world, Titiksha or forbearance or tolerance of external situations, Shraddha or a starting faith or belief to start on the path, Samadhaanam being a contentment out settling for the spiritual path chosen) and Mumukshatvam (desire of moksha, the highest purpose). Note that none of the above expect a belief in God or a higher power.

While the final goal is the dawn of realisation or Samadhi, Nirvana as other religions, the sadhanas / practices itself are totally accepting of all faiths. Be it a religious path or not, it implies that if the Sadhana Chatushtaya is followed, Advaita is open to you. One must point out that the Sadhana Chatushtaya, placing a premium on withdrawal from the external, fleeting and eternal, is very much thus based upon general morality while at the same time being tolerant of practices that are not in contradiction to the conscience.

One must also point out, that in Advaita, external includes, at the highest level, everything witnessed by the Atman or witness consciousness, which includes the mind and selfish ego. We all are one, then why the feeling of lust or the feeling of hatred. All this is a projection, then what is there to possess and what is to achieve. This feeling logically leads to a feeling of peace at the individual level and a natural tendency to use this body-mind tool for helping all around. Want or a sense of possession of nothing for self clearly is established. Which today is the root at all that ails us.

If Bharat, and the world, goes about accepting the principles of Advaita as the guiding factor for governance and policy making, two things will be achieved. Religious tolerance, no policies with religion in mind, no conversions or berating or drum beating. Religion becomes a part of one's personal/social spiritual practice but not having a bearing of how we as a society should live. Tolerance truly sets in not only religion but also day to day living.

Advaitic meditation ascribes the continuous awareness that everything around (this includes the thoughts) are being reflected in one consciousness). Such mindfulness will automatically lead to a person responding to a situation in a more pragmatic way once the me/you influence of ego is set aside. One would also stop abusing nature considering it as one's own.

Then will truly dawn the potential of a different, harmonious way of measuring progress in economy and society, than the sliding slope we are on now.

Saturday, May 05, 2018

Dirty politics

They ignore the polluted lakes and rivers
And fight over human rights and religion

They turn away from dignity the poor struggle to retain
And strut with high talk of morality and values

You talk of the castes, the minority and poor
When you are the one, who keep them so..

Friday, May 04, 2018

A moment's patience

Like a Love of the long lost kind
Like a tree that dries by day
Like that moment, you regret the most
Time does not, travel backwards

I wish the mind had stopped tearing my head
I wish I collected, calmed it right then
I wish there are moments under our control
A wish that ever stands the test of time

Thursday, May 03, 2018

Shallow Marsh

Where the mud digs deep
And pulls out the water in thirst
Not bothered ever, what about my kids

Where the rain is disrespected, taken for granted
And their course decides, that of governments
That sort of a shallow marsh, has all this come to

Where it's considered orthodox
To even pray to Gods
That sort of a complex
Have we unashamed developed

Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Whom to be thankful to

Whom all should I be thankful to
To parents who sacrifice all
To teachers who personify patience
To friends who shared their time and care
All those who willingly shared their love

Who else is left to be thankful for
Who else completed this delusional field
All these bodies that I give life
All these lives are projections of mine

I've switched to

Dear reader, I've switched to WordPress upon getting the pop-up that the current Blogger app is not configured to the upgraded version ...