Thursday, October 30, 2014

Picking up trash, but with flowers in hair

No sight of grace touched me more. When they say no job is below anybody's dignity, I saw it within trash-cleaners in our apartment. They value their job, and it doesn't make them feel small. So hygienic, they'd worn neat modest sarees, foreheads showing they'd been to the temple. I couln't be more inspired. I bow to them.

And we learn that life gives as one has sowed. I hope then they get bountiful good in return later...

In life we speak of intent and action. Krishna said right intent of following Dharma is more important, whatever is the vocation you seek.

But does correct intent justify misbehavior or violence to others. Does intent rule over action. I think not. I think the "correct"ness of the intent itself is relative. We might think we are defending our liberty of expression when telling all. But a national security matter might be at stake. This is where document-leaking journalists at times go wrong.
Rather, if intent is to do one's Dharma of reporting, without the intent to hurt, you'd stop when authorities and other journalists explain the repercussions.

Now does action rule over intent. I think that's a clear no. For example, a cruel policeman might be saving a woman from a rapist, but actually beating him to death to quench his blood-lust. So that doesn't count. If the same were being done with the intent being to hurt the rapist, in anger of having hurt the woman, it's different. But the highest is the attitude of just doing his job, not as a robot, but out of true compassion. That like a true soldier!

The lessons life teaches, it teaches in trickles...

Sunday, October 26, 2014

To Reconcile various paths..

This journey, this quest of knowledge to understand life itself is very satisfying. And interestingly, even though various sects have been holding on to their stances, I see various commonalities. Actually, I'd like to think that actually there is no difference between the various sects in Sanatana Dharma. Or as claimed by a former Sringeri Jagadguru, even amongst religions. Since Sanatana Dharma rests on eternal laws (dharmas) as speaking the truth, right conduct, faith in God and as such, there is no religion that can claim to be teaching anything different. The only point of contrast could be in Sanatana Dharma using the Vedas as the source of truth - the eternal laws' vakya. Well then, to reconcile, firstly all religions will agree that various scriptures, even after the Vedas in Sanatana Dharma have been written to either delve in detail, or explain the laws in layman terms. Including in modern Hindu religion, where the Bhagavad Gita is now considered its most holy book.

Now within Sanatana Dharma, or now Hinduism, there is the Advaita (Self is God) Philosophy, then there is the Monotheist (One Supreme God) philosophy, and then there is the Polytheist (Many Gods with various functions) philosophy. On the face of it, these are three different sets of belief. But if we listen to the Vedas, or the Bhagavad Gita, all three are true. Devotion, or spiritual journey, cannot start without an object of devotion. An idol, a guru, a set of beliefs. Even the Vedas are taught after the student first affirms he has faith in it and his guru. So Devotion is the most important requirement. It is the truth for people in this phase of the spiritual journey, and there is no arguing this.

And thus, people will choose an object of devotion, a God, whose attributes they feel closest to. Again, here the devotion is most important. And second that the God chosen by the devotee adheres to the basic values: truth, correct attitude and intent, peace, love. If in the name of this God the devotee obtains justification to resort to violence, the devotee has definitely been misguided and misdirected away from the spiritual path.

Taking this further, a devotee might love multiple Gods for their distinct attributes. These Gods are but symbols of our creation. Or they are exemplary individuals from our past. We seek inspiration from these heroes (whether mythological or real) to be able to become like them. To strive and attain their qualities which align with the Sanatana Dharma laws.

As the spiritual journey progresses, the individual begins seeing all others as equal. No one is above the others. It starts with realizing all humans are God's creation. Then that all living beings are God's creation. Then that the whole world, animate and inanimate is God's creation. And slowly that good (or God) resides even in the most evil of people. Then the spirit of inquiry of what governs the results of good and bad behavior, and the understanding of the Law of Karma.

Eventually, at a great and deep state of maturity, the realization enters that God is beyond good and bad. And this not just the saying, like I'm doing now. But the intrinsic realization, the ability of seeing this truth from within the mind's eyes. And that God is the very source of this existence, and hence cannot be claimed to be of just human form. He is without attributes, and takes the attributes of the object reflecting it (the stone, the dog or the human). The energy, consciousness and matter combination only varies. From this point, the scriptures (actually, only the Vedas at this point) help to understand, that everything is really energy (just like the atoms were found to take up the nature of matter and wave at different times).

So really, this is an individual journey. He may or may not follow the above sequence of steps to reach the final realization. But when realizes, he definitely understands it for what it is. It really does not benefit a community or people following a set of beliefs then to fight over who's correct. The teachings are best served when individually followed!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Sun the destroyer, Sun the creator

The Sun rose over the vast green fields
It grew in size, from crimson to bright

Its body was fire, yet light serene
The very heat, cremating blood of streams

So when there was Adharma, and Dharma to restore
Destruction happened, through nature or man

Yet this very Sun, this heat and light
Rejuvenated all, and Life reshaped

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Thoughts on Yugas and Vasanas

In Sanatana Dharma, you see all this mention of the Four Yugas, and how we are in the Kalki Yuga. I shared an article on Google Plus yesterday on a coincidental reflection of why these Yugas are not really periods in time, as much as in Dimension. And I saw this being elaborated in the article I shared.

I've read books and heard talks of how there are angels who guide us. Perhaps departed well-wishing souls. Perhaps forms of Energy which are symbolized in idols. Where do these angels live in. If we have a concept of time in our world, there must be a similar concept in theirs. The souls we see departing from human life go to a state of rest. There must be a concept of time after which they come back. And for simplicity sake, there must be a concept of space to where they rest. Perhaps that's where the four Yugas exist as Satya, Treta, Dwapara and Kalki. Based on their Karmas in human life, the Vasanas that get built them, take them to the corresponding Yuga (dimension).

And then all that's mentioned in multiple articles makes sense. The lives in each Yuga ranging from blissful (Satya Yuga) to incrementally less peaceful in each...makes the heaven-hell concept in Christianity easier to understand too.

The article I shared had a wonderful insight into this, as aspect I had not thought of. The Four Yugas could be a reflection of stages of self-realization. We, in this Life itself are in Kalki to Satya based on our level of Self-Realization. Or, as Swami Vivekananda had once analogized, when our soul expands beyond a stage (yuga), we are unable to stay within the cage of the human body. And we depart this body, while entering the next stage. But it's quite clear in multiple expositions, that "life" continues. "Life" based on our human wordly perception is what ceases, and too perhaps just temporarily. So maybe there's a threshold of Yuga we can achieve while staying in human life, after which the next stage involves leaving this body. I'm not sure what this threshold is; could be the Dwapara, or who knows, the Satya Yuga itself!

Kalki to Satya might play out after departure from human life too, reflecting the fluidity of life-force itself. And that's where the concept of Vasanas can help explain..

When the Gita says intent, not the action itself, is supreme; or when sages have said the last thought before departure from human life plays a part. What they are all alluding to is the "impressions" or Vasanas like Sri Sri Ravi Sankar straight away explained it as. I saw it specified in another article how the subtle body behind the physical form is on which these impressions or vasanas are getting recorded. It was also an interesting mention that both good and bad karmas cause the vasanas, and there cannot be a balance of either good or bad, for us to stop the cycle of rebirth. To "dissolve" these Karmas, is why Ravi Sankar advises doing every action in the mode of awareness. That in itself separates the seer from the doer. Or the Jagadguru's teachings advise - in a more easier form to understand for the layman - to dedicate every action to God.

This is perhaps how the intelligent force behind creation does not carry any bad Karmas even after natural calamities. Or even when wars happened and lives were lost in his incarnations. These weren't happening because of his intent. He is just playing the medium for Karmic results to play out..

A strange universe we will in, which exists within this soul and where we are part of every galaxy. Where time and space are no restriction. Which is how Sadhus and realized souls easily look into us and tell us things from our past and future..of a Satya Yuga full of bliss from where can come back to human life only when we choose to, or else we live there forever (concept of Heaven)..Amazing! If only we "Realize"!!

Devi as Mother

With cries and good looks, he came to this world
I ran to his aid, but my loyalty with you

You had brought him to this world, little does he realize
More than him I feel indebted, you are the Devi herself

There are traits that are childish, but the spirit has a spark
You are the Mother beloved, tireless and devoted

No matter where you go, your heart, stays in whom you Love
No matter where you are your energy, blesses and guides us

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Poems for Shravan: Bath Time

Bath Time, Bath Time
It is Bath Time for Shravan
Shravan is a Good Boy, Shravan is a Good Boy
Shravan is a Very Very Very Good Boy!

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Death not sleep, but awakening

It was that morning sunlight
That woke me up from slumber
Not money, not fame
Not Yoga nor scripture

It was just nature, fresh breath of air
That blew me off this world

While all men said I'd gone to sleep
Only few knew that I had woken up

I've switched to

Dear reader, I've switched to WordPress upon getting the pop-up that the current Blogger app is not configured to the upgraded version ...