It is truly the Genius of Nature in setting the source of happiness within us, than in external sources.
And it is the Irony of Nature that this Truth is kept hidden from us.
Nature wants Continuity. And in order to keep that, it needed to generate Desire. And Desire is always due to a sense of incompleteness. And the true understanding that quenching this sense of incompleteness will give Happiness.
Now to ensure Continuity, Nature has to keep Desire alive. Once Happiness is achieved the net effect is tranquility and no more having any Desire. So the feeling of Incompleteness that gives rise to Desire has to live, and keep living in every life, in order to ensure Continuity of Nature.
And this feeling of Incompleteness will live if the Truth of the source of Happiness is kept hidden; if the mind is kept confused by feeding it a sip of Bliss by fulfilling small desires.
The Truth though is to realise that Happiness is Within. The needs of the body, the mind, of those around are illusions from the absolute aspect. This is why those who taste the highest bliss in Nirvikalpa, over time shed the body.
At a more pragmatic plane, that is why the rich have hollow lives if they live chasing external fame and fortune. And the poor, even with little, are filled with so much joy.
The secret to a start is to understand that Happiness is within, just like all the sorrow and complaints. And to choose Happiness is our choice, by slowly reducing and letting go of Desires and Wants and Expectations and Complaints.