Sunday, July 08, 2018

It's a cycle so there will be no end

There couldn't have been a beginning or an end to creation cycle. Because we can see everything going in cyclic form.

Be it night and day or seasons of the year, there is always a cyclic pattern. Life and death and rebirth effect l even if. Health and sickness, poverty and richness, success and failure.

It is all too evident that creation is moving in a cyclic pattern.
If we take it a step higher, it is thus clear that creation and dissolution are cyclic in nature.
As Vedanta puts it, after one dissolution also, what happens is that existence goes unmanifest.  Just waiting as the genes/DNA in a seed waiting to manifest.

There is no death. There is no liberation in sense of an escape. There is only a realisation. This realisation "spoils" the game per se. And hence rebirth stops for such a Jiva. All karma good and bad are burnt out leaving no reason also to undergo Samsara.

But know for sure that they exist, unmanifest perhaps from our point of view. But actually, more manifest from the higher point of view, always around and within us, not bound by time or space!

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