Monday, July 30, 2018

Merciless time

Merciless time
Please go back once

Let them relive
That memory lane

Give them a chance
To say what they want

Give them some time
To do it again

Shooting Stars

Whatever happens, to shining stars
Why do they come, thus shooting down

Do they not see, that burning bright
Is not all why, sun's glory is

Calm down and lighten
In smiling grace

Teach all around
What talent is

Do not bite dust
In such a rush

Let it be
In soothing gaze

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Aham Nimithham

Siva in my meditation
May your silence deepen

Krishna in my prayers
May your bhakti rise

Sharada when I read and learn
May jnana reflect vast

Devi in my very actions
May your purpose bloom

Friday, July 27, 2018

Know my dear, this love

When no matter what he says
Just keep speaking, you feel
When her steps sound like
The soothing of music
When life has thrown open
Dams of bliss at moonlight

Know my dear, love has, beckoned your heart

There is, a link, a thread unseen
Why the moon's reflection, aches a heart
Where the world and time
Seem all too floating

Know my dear, has love, made you realise The Self

Thursday, July 26, 2018

The true self

She never cared for the body
It was the true personality that really mattered

She wasn't into the outer charm
The inner warmth is what she sought

There were no two ways to it
Generous to depths unfathomable

Easily forgotten these steps of life
Piled under timeless generations

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Witness yourself and all be well

Don't be conscious of the world around
Just witness yourself and the world inside

The very awareness of body and mind
Brings out the truth of entire existence

You are One, the only witness
Unknot slowly the ego's effects

Monday, July 23, 2018

The soldier's sacrifice

The loyalty to a nation
Asks sacrifice of life and family
Where do these people come from
Who weigh intangible over what could have beens

No heavenly palace is too big for these
Who wept tears silent in love of motherland

No salute of yours will suffice
To those who have walked those paths

Saturday, July 21, 2018

That tingling feeling

When one touches
What belongs to you

When you feel cared
Special well treated

When you see oneness
A common purpose going

You get a tingling sensation
A feeling of goosebumps under your skin

Will all the machine learning in this world
Ever bring this subjective touch to life

Sunday, July 08, 2018

It's a cycle so there will be no end

There couldn't have been a beginning or an end to creation cycle. Because we can see everything going in cyclic form.

Be it night and day or seasons of the year, there is always a cyclic pattern. Life and death and rebirth effect l even if. Health and sickness, poverty and richness, success and failure.

It is all too evident that creation is moving in a cyclic pattern.
If we take it a step higher, it is thus clear that creation and dissolution are cyclic in nature.
As Vedanta puts it, after one dissolution also, what happens is that existence goes unmanifest.  Just waiting as the genes/DNA in a seed waiting to manifest.

There is no death. There is no liberation in sense of an escape. There is only a realisation. This realisation "spoils" the game per se. And hence rebirth stops for such a Jiva. All karma good and bad are burnt out leaving no reason also to undergo Samsara.

But know for sure that they exist, unmanifest perhaps from our point of view. But actually, more manifest from the higher point of view, always around and within us, not bound by time or space!

Saturday, July 07, 2018

If there is one thing to miss, is the Sun

Forget the cursing of the noon time heat
The migraine the mirage to beat a retreat
Just awe at wonder the rise and set
When leaving the world, you will miss the sun

Keep all the worries aside, Just watch it rise
Both ancient yet, taking all in its stride
Was there ever a wonder, than this life giving heat
Was there ever a beauty, than the illumining sunlight

Sunday, July 01, 2018

The light green leaves were never my own

The light green leaves on American soil
They looked a beautiful and flowing colour
They were aplenty across grassland hills
But they were different, I missed something

The dark green colours, many dusted brown
Raise the fragrance of Earth, upon rainy shower
These bright dark green, are what eyes love
Find it familiar, call it their own

Mother so grateful

When I say I didn't like lunch
You made sure my dinner a feast

When I raise voice losing temper
You keep calm and later forgive with love

When I was sad, crying unhappy
Your tears reflected pain more than mine

Mother can ever a child pay his debt
Mother I am ever so grateful

Today i saw the sun filter through leaves

And the smiling rays bathed me with beauty
I could see them dodging the maze of leaves
The anxious grass grasping for the touch of light

It means a lot to birds and animals alike
To feel the embrace of one that nurtures
The sun is no different

Let there be benediction and respect alike
For the one that enlivens our life on Earth

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