Thursday, June 07, 2018

Doers, Cribbers and Planners

I've learnt some things with the experiences and observations of being part of apartment association.
There are 3 types of individuals you will see when you want to plan an activity, event or anything at involves a change in general:

1) The Doers: These are the people worth emulating. If you are bringing up children, encourage them to be doers. These individuals are on the lookout for opportunities. They just need to be given the right platform to excel. And if not given the platform, they will make one themselves! They thrive in doing, in action. They are the champions, the celebrities, the young leaders, the role models and inspirations of the world. If it involves patient planning, they'll be in for the planning part and might need some motivation and support on the patience part. With experience, they learn the right skills for success in life. To put efforts, to be persistent, and to not be disheartened by failure.

2) The Planners: These are the people who create the platform for the doers. They are the planners on which platforms to be created. They are the ones who identify the doers, and groom nascent abilities to full potentials. These are the coaches, the Guru, the teachers, the senior leaders of the world. They have a huge role to play in the culture, the values, the development and progress of the institution. They have a duty to keep an eye on the big picture always and tread the thin line of what's the direction to give. To make sacrifices, to distinguish between right and wrong, ends and means, truth and false. Not always would they be recognised or appreciated. Nor might be what they want. They are behind the doers, motivating and supporting. Akin to the coach of a champ or the board of director or management consultant behind the CEO. They are the foundation of civilization and the ones who give shape to destinies.

3) The Cribbers: Yes I use a strong word, for what is perhaps an essential role. These are the cynics and criticisers. But without them, there would be no independent thinking. And without that, a team will be made of yes-men which means a lack of introspection and reflection. A major cause of failure to course correct when needed leading to failure in achieving the goal. However, given a free leash, the Cribbers have the enough negative energy to damage, destroy and even enjoy killing projects and the potentially potential in Doers. Hence it is very important to keep them away from the doers. The doers like all humans have their phases of self doubt, and the last thing they need is the shadow of the Cribbers. But it is essential for the Planners to have Cribbers in his team. Importantly, he needs to groom them because he is eventually going to consider the cautions in their advise and not really kill the initiative like the cribber would really like to. So he needs to groom them to have a balance in approach while appreciating and even encouraging his independent thinking.

There will always be Doers and Cribbers in the world. But the direction the world takes ever has been the burden of the Planner.

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