Monday, January 02, 2017

The stone had the statue hidden, the sculptor only uncovered it

It is imperative in life to get rid of the claim of doership. As a Swamiji from Mata Amritananadamayi Matt put it so well recently: Even in our scriptures it is said that the potential for any outcome is within the raw material provided by nature itself. It's messaged thus that the stone has the statue hidden, the sculptor only uncovers it. In any other culture, it would not be so. The credit would go to the scultpor's creativity, skill and imagination. Or the credit would be "stolen" by the sponsor of the statue. But in the Vedantic thought, we all are just a medium. This understanding gives us an immense sense of freedom, and it takes us closer to Liberation / Moksha.

It is the sense of doership that fuels Ego and Competition. Once we take up the role of being a blessed medium in the Lord's hands, failure will not discourage us, nor would success go into our heads. One must hasten to add that this is not to encourage cessation of all activities. For it is clearly proven that there is no such thing. Even breathing is an activity. The attitude should be to incessantly serve, learn and get closer to the purpose for which is this human life i.e. to achieve Moksha.

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