Saturday, December 26, 2015

The art of driving

While I'm no expert, some of the tips I learnt driving, in US and India. Ones that are not found in formal training sessions:

1) No point overtaking unless significant space on the other lane. The time saved, even on freeways is not significant for even significantly higher speeds
2) Always look at the blind spot when changing lanes. Some say this is applicable only in US, but I think it's more applicable in India, where two-wheelers try to cut and speed without notice.
3) This is true exclusively for Indian driving culture: Even if the left-right indicator is on, the other vehicle is using it as dare to still speed through. So be very slow changing lanes.
4) This is true wherever you drive: When accelerating, do you press the accelerator hard, even if the road's empty ahead. It's not good for your car. Accelerate so smoothly that your body doesn't feel the speed increasing.

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