Saturday, October 17, 2015

Sam the Spy - 1

Before he stepped out of the airport, he had his new assignment. Coming out on top of his hand-luggage from the X-Ray counter was an off-white envelope. A color he distinctly recognized. Before doing anything else, his next glance was around him. He had likened his expertise in foxing the fox. There had to be someone around making sure it's him who's picked up the envelope. And yes, he saw an Oriental person blink, as if thinking for a second if he's be recognized. That was him.

But this case was curious from the start. He had to travel to Russia immediately. No, that wasn't the curious part. But the fact that he got the sense of being watched, being followed from the get go. A spy by profession, and a veteran at that, there was no chance his intuition was wrong. There must be a mole, or maybe someone making sure the job is getting done. But that is not something he liked, he'd made it clear to superiors already. Hmm, must be a high-profile case. But need to call this out, will await the private line.

He flew to Russia. But once he stepped out and walked on the bridge outside Moscow International, a suspicious looking man walked towards him. He wanted to be noticed. Took his code name while walking past. And handed him an envelope. Felt like a gun. Upon opening, also had an address on it.

But where was his private line. There was none at home too. This had been too long. And once again, the intuition, this townhouse, there's something wrong. It's not in among residences to go unsuspected, but more isolated than usual.

Without a second's delay, he slipped out. The isolation and the woods around worked to his advantage. Maybe he was being paranoid, but his experience had taught him to trust his intuition more than any logic. He knew he couldn't go farther until darkness if what he feared was true.

And true it was, by nightfall the building got surrounded by men dressed in dark camouflage. He continued to watch from a safe distance. It dawned to him clearly now. He had been duped, by a mole in the org. The intent to wipe him out, to avenge soemething perhaps. For he had nothing to hide. All he knew were in the safety box from where the org could retrieve it.

A letter-head was stolen, to get him here, an enemy country. No other instructions were to be given anyways, for he was to be dead tonight. The gun was fake obviously, given to him so he feels protected and doesn't feel the need to slip out at the sound of people surrounding the townhome.

And then the shootout began, and Sam the Spy used the din to make easy his escape....

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