Saturday, August 01, 2015

The Dollar will Stay, due to...Immigration

America will continue to remain the most vibrant, and developed country in the world. Not because of the Dollar, or oil reserves or work ethic, but simply because of its openness to immigration, as a culture!

The only land which prides on being the land of immigrants. Where most of whom I've known were first or second generation immigrants. People eye it with jealousy, say it's on the way down due to lack of "morality". But I have seen, the prominence given to family, and community. The pride for religion, and tolerance to others'. Yes, there are the extremes, but that's true for every country. I've seen the respect being given to people or visitors from other countries. I was most touched when my father got a "Namaste" from an ordinary American, in the DC area.

So much pride is placed on liberty, that at times where the line needs to be drawn, is very difficult. That was the conundrum with LGBT rights, and currently with gun control. But through all the debates, as there should be, we can still see the country going in the correct direction.

It is this openness that attracts the best talent. Success will inevitably follow. And the currency will stay strong as long as innovation will keep happening.

Innovation cannot happen in a unilateral culture. It needs a cross-pollination of ideas. And the root has to take place in the upbringing, which currently only America offers. Where one grows up to know there are people of various races and faiths, and they are all good. We just have to be willing to listen, accept, and at times, just let be.

So the universities come up with most research papers, or companies come up with the best inventions or sciences come up with the best discoveries, not because of the dollar investment. But because of the talent attraction. The dollar value is but a byproduct of these outputs.

The hesitation the best talent faces before choosing to immigrate is departing from ones culture. It'll be a few generations more before faiths like Hinduism and Sikhism, and longer even for Islam, to feel at home in America. And this is the opportunity for other countries in the world, to take note, and take steps to retain their best.

India perhaps has the best chance, because it has an equally strong if not more representative democracy. Our foundations are strong in the acceptance of other religions. But riots do happen, and so too are we more narrow to personal choice. The neighbors opinion and social acceptance matter a lot here. It'll take a few more generations to develop a "let be" culture. And this is where we need to realize where USA had a lead ahead of us. of 180 years no less. So we have to be more accepting that even this acceptance of other cultures will take its time in India.

Each individual should, in that sense, look upon himself as being the foundation father of a glorious Bharat!

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