Sunday, March 15, 2015

Connect the Dots...

I'd once heard this remarkable speech by Steve Jobs whose basic intent was that we cannot really Connect the Dots looking forward, or know really how what we learn or experience currently will be of value in the future. We will only be able to do so looking backward, and so trust that all that experience today will make sense sometime in the future. He talks about how unplanned calligraphy classes later made their way into the first Macintosh computer. That was the first time I learnt of the philosophical side of Steve Jobs...

And it's not something we don't hear about also. Be it from religious texts or sermons or from elders when we are going through a bad phase, that it will all fall in place. Or all that happens, happens for the best. I learnt about my friend Niketan who'd unexpectedly returned from the US after quitting his job, had flown back. He and I know that it was indeed good he was here at this crucial time in India. Was it by design, Yes; but his design, No. But there is for sure someone or better put, an intelligent force above, which seems to have control over this. Across even the time and space limitations.

Albeit we get a few instances in this life to experience and trust this, we really might not find it justified or proven when we look at other peoples lives. Some people we think are suffering more than they ought too, and some people living a most privileged life without deserving it, or so we think. What we, and the people in context need to realize, that it's all been and will be accounted for. Across births. And it's not that we live an indulgent life and just take it away with a shot in the head like Hitler, and think we'll get away with it. The soul has always been the silent witness. And it'll go through the effects of our wilful actions for sure.

Putting that context to our lives, don't really think, even at the end of the life, that I didn't get my due, or I got an unfair part of it. Just lead a good life, till the very end. Like Jagadguru says, the summary of all of Adi Sankaracharya's teachings is: Do Dharmic activities; Do not do Adharmic activities.
Just repeat to yourself when you feel low: It's all been Accounted for!

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