Sunday, September 28, 2014

When you meditate...

When you not try hard. The intent is to relax, so whatever you do, don't end up being more exerted at the end of the session, than before!

Both Swami Vivekananda and Sri Sri Ravi Sankar encourage letting the thoughts flow. Vivekananda compared it to a stone causing ripples in the water. Let a stone come and disturb the water, it'll just ripple away. Ravi Sankar asks us to just be "aware" of the flow of thoughts. And I believe Sadhguru suggests we watch the breath. Ravi Sankar also suggests breath as a way to control our emotions. He explained how breath is the link between emotion and mind. Remarkable! And so true!

When meditating or in prayer, do visit and your "angels". Yes, that's the term so many religions term it as. In Hinduism the religion, deities could have been introduced to serve that concept. There are angels for creation (Brahma) and learning (Saraswathi), angels for protection (Vishnu) and prosperity (Lakshmi), and angels for power (Shakthi) and renunciation towards moksha (Shiva). Visit their abodes, thank them for standing by you, through various births that you have taken. So have been so lucky to be born in this human life, which is conscious of self and consciousness of choice. Thank them, thank them all!

When meditating, realize that your true self is joyous. Realize that you are different from this body. And, over time, realize even that you are different from this mind. Which is why almost all of us do not remember our previous births. Only the impressions have carried forward, and only those whose impressions have been that strong, remember bits of their previous birth. I'm sure at a certain level of subconscious this memory exists which can be tapped for all of us, but even there this would be strong impressions that have left their mark on the soul.

Awareness, Sri Sri Ravi Sankar said, will dissolve all Karma. If you are enjoying something, keeping yourself "detached" and watching yourself enjoying, apparently the Karma will be dissolved then and there itself. Hold on to this knowledge during meditation, and try to keep awareness alive.

And the best message of all by Ravi Sankar was that, what's the use of practising meditation if you are unable to carry over that feeling even after meditation. So remember this feeling of bliss, and enjoy it even with your eyes open!

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