Friday, December 31, 2010

I don't know mySelf

"I", am the one who is watching, from behind my eyes
Watching me see

"I", am not the body, my hands and feet
For consciousness, I don't feel in them

Difficult, but true, that "I" am not the mind
As I do observe, my thoughts flying

"I", then, am far superior
But someone, I don't know mySelf

"I", can Will, to stroke a flame
For this world around, is my projection
And the laws of nature, govern my body
But not even my mind, so they can't touch "I" 

"I", can Know, your very thought
For you and I, the same with cages different
Bound by one law, that of Karma

But How and Why, am "I" here
Why are we, so tied up
And what happens, to "I" on death?

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