Monday, October 02, 2006


I pray now, to the Goddess of Maths
Whom I love, but have not, been devoted to
Amme, give me peace, manasamaadhaanam
My talents restless, wait to manifest
As the caterpillar out, to break its cocoon

Make me like the ant, one with discipline and courage
He is able to carry, much more than he weighs
Make me like the lion, who lives up to his greatness
He has natural confidence, fit for a king
Make me like the monkey, not afraid to lose
With intellect and flex, he reaches many a high branch

But yes keep me as a man, aware of his Self
Mature and composed, despite all going ons
Carrying patience and agility, with equal ease
Living not only for self, but those before and after
Responsible for his actions, and compassion for all

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