Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Here I come

To do what i like a lot...

To write, to express,
To plead, To instruct,
To wish, To digress,

To learn what my heart keeps between itself and mind,
To feel what my fingers would during a creative outburst,
And to be mirthfully fatigued at the end of one

Not from the recesses of the mind, is a thought born,
It is born in nature, we being just the medium,

Would be kind of you, to let me know
Of this blog and every one to follow


Shiv said...

Welcome to bloggin..:)

Diary-RTOAC said...

Thank You..

I've switched to artoac1.wordpress.com

Dear reader, I've switched to WordPress upon getting the pop-up that the current Blogger app is not configured to the upgraded version ...