Friday, January 25, 2013

A Night in Flight

Endless moons, a night in flight
Flying space, on floating clouds
Across skies, with spirits high

Of countries below, I see no marks
I guess those only, exist in hearts
Life is once, so live like one
It doesn't matter, who sees what

As I ponder, with wandering mind
Perhaps no surprise, on lofty heights
It means nothing, to sit and sigh
Life gives life, and takes it back

I gather my blanket, wait for light
But in sleep comes, the farthest sight
Of centuries ahead, my child and grandchild
Would they enjoy, a night in flight

Monday, January 14, 2013

Strange Winters

Strange winters these days that
Hath no snow no storms
A merry a berry, a rose to pluck,
A winter so forlorn

Strange the sadness, strange the crimes
Strange the lonely days
A winter with no ice to crush
Are we in a world so strange

Then the deepest, darndest chasms
Wide opening their mouths
Nightmares such of naked nights
No family, no life, no hopes

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Life Incomplete

I have led a life incomplete
Passions were but never that deep
My victories have been bitter sweet
And restless mind never at peace

Satisfy your heart's true wish
Do not live or leave incomplete
This life is not for sake of others
It is for you to fulfill its deed

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Role of Religion

<p dir="ltr">People say, and rightly so, that more people have been killed than delivered/saved in the name of religion. In that scenario, is religion really worth it? </p>
<p dir="ltr">It is a matter to ponder over. Indeed, religious fanaticism have caused the loss of life. Even at it's pacifist best, didactic behavior leads to a feeling of self-righteousness and condescending behavior about all else. But I would like to stress about the fact that this happens only when one considers his religion the best, and others, less. If there were due respect for the other, like in every other problem like gender and race, we wouldn't really be having this discussion.</p>
<p dir="ltr">It would sound sexist if not put across right: but men were meant to toil in the fields under the sun, while the woman takes care of their home and offsprings. Why this progressively led to women be looked down as lesser relevant by the man, led to the downfall of the family structure. </p>
<p dir="ltr">Why do people of one race consider themselves superior or inferior to another? Why on earth when we all belong to the same human&nbsp; species!</p>
<p dir="ltr">Religion is nothing but a means to get closer to our creator. A school of guiding principles so we humans lead life our creator meant us to. Our conscience does know right from wrong, but like society needs a leader to look up on, and fear of law to instill safety, so too did religion require a God and religious book. Polytheist and the oldest religion only got it right when multiple god-head symbols are available, the person feels devotion attuned to a god-head characteristics he/she personally identifies with as per his nature. As long as you do not look down on others, it doesn't matter!

The greatest role religion plays thus, is in upbringing. It's the best channel to instill in children time-tested values and belief in good. It is no surprise thus at other core, every religion has the exact same teachings.

Indeed, in shaping our character and value system, across centuries and generations, religion has played a marvelous role within the confines of the home and place of worship. The problems of religion only happened when selfish interests took it beyond these boundaries.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

End of Year 2012: Birth of Shravan

Today 31st December Monday the last day of year 2012. Needless to say, perhaps the best in my life personally with the arrival of my newborn son Shravan (March 30, 2012 a Friday).

There is something about creating new life that feels more complete than anything. More than creating poetry, more than even marriage. Perhaps only matched by the feeling of being lucky to be born in a wonderful family and to loving, dedicated parents. More than all else we do in life, this really feels like THE single biggest achievement. As if having served the purpose of being born, of being given life; perhaps as if even ready to die without regret.

The birth of a child fills one with humility. You truly feel and realize that this is a gift from God, being graced by a new soul in your home, as a part of your life. The hardships of parenthood also give one a new appreciation of the efforts put in by our parents in bringing us up, more often by themselves. Thanks to their efforts we have a better quality of life, and even their support in raising our child. Indeed, the sacrifice is entirely theirs.

The love we receive from a child reminds us what selfless love is like. Someone who is totally dependent on us, but more than that, unconditionally loves us. I feel every person, parent or not, who has interacted with children, should ponder upon the message children bring us from God. He really instilled in us the ability to give without expecting, to unconditionally love. Can all of us, as we step into 2013, remind ourselves of this, and be better humans in everyday life?

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