Sunday, October 31, 2010

Going Paperless, but will Feel it Soon!

Life is going paperless. You can email instead of writing a letter and mailing it. You can take a picture, download it straight on the computer and upload it to an online album for others to see. Why send a fax, when you can scan and email as attachment? Why subscribe to a newspaper, when mashups and portals are freely customizable with real-time RSS feeds?
Well, recently they also invented an e-book reader. Contact the publisher online, buy the book, and read it from the software. A book-sized slate of plastic. You turn pages as a real book, keep a marker where you last drooped-off, and now can even exchange your books with friends!
But in all this, don't you feel we are losing something? For example, with everything going online, I miss the sense of touching a newspaper. That fragrance from a book: new ones, those from the library and the ones from a second-hand seller all have their own distinct aroma, and it doesn't really take an avid reader to tell. I'm sure all those who grew up in India like me would now be thinking of how the daily newspaper felt. Crispy just like the morning, one would gleefully think! Tea or coffee next to you, and newspaper in hand, is how our day would start.  If you think of it now, you'd feel they should give that smell of paper, a distinct name; as one entitles a new perfume fragrance.
(Ahem) Coming out of my reverie, I think technology-wise, we are in the "middle of things". The next strides will be to give humans this feel of how it was before computers (and more specifically the internet) came into the picture. I'm sure very soon the they will be able to trigger aroma in the brain of the reader. I read recently about an audio set which is also connected to the chest to trigger emotional impulses ( Toshiba comes next year with a 3D TV for which you would not need glasses.
It shouldn't be a decade before you get to look at a flower on your tablet computer and smell it too! Well let's take that a step further: to touch it too! And feel the same fragrance and touch as if that flower for real. Well, it better turn true, for by then those flowers itself will be few and far-fetched, as would libraries and bookstores, and (unlike) the tablet computers today!!

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Right or Wrong?

I saw beautiful clouds today, but only because the sky was blue
A bright beautiful background blue
A perfect contrast, to the dark graying clouds

And so too do we find things wrong
For we have the right, to measure against
If not for the right, what can we call wrong
But how is to judge, the right for wrong?

Saturday, October 02, 2010

O Friendship, must you always sour

Through good times and bad, you always pour
But in times of extreme need, you always go low
O Friendship, Dear Friendship, must you always sour

Humans need to, find out their own
Need to step up, grow up than always moan
And friendships last, yes stronger than blood
Yet in turns crucial, it does drop the thread

For not barriers and questions, but based only on trust
A Friend can answer back, refuse, and be himself
So do not expect, and as with anything in Life
Unless you want, the Friendship, would never go sour

I've switched to

Dear reader, I've switched to WordPress upon getting the pop-up that the current Blogger app is not configured to the upgraded version ...