Monday, May 21, 2007

The Difficult Part..

The difficult part is telling, when it started
Did it start, when I first saw her
Or when did we, want to be with us

The difficult part is telling, when it ended
Did it end, when she listed priority
Or when did I, realize it left my heart

The difficult part is telling, why it was
Did it happen, for it was time
Or when did I, feel she was mine

The difficult part is telling, why it is not
Did it blow out, for there to be darkness
Or when did I, feel I next saw light..

Trust Yourself..

With a mind in pain, a heart that weeps
Why are eyes, void of flaming tears

I am silent, lost in love
I feel the sky beneath, and water above

A breath one less, a burning chest
I have to let go, and yet have hope

Test my feelings, where they really to
And taste if fruit, has ripened too

End the yearn, of this prisoner soul
Unleash its power, when it meets Shakti

I've switched to

Dear reader, I've switched to WordPress upon getting the pop-up that the current Blogger app is not configured to the upgraded version ...