Saturday, June 24, 2006

Verses for the day

Eyes moisten, by the very thought of you,
Still the mind falters, says am I sure its you

In keeping with the times, and the circumstance of life
The heart takes a dip, a bow and a high

The way you look, is one thing these eyes
Would remember a lifetime, and want to, for longer

For not every flower, can a rose be
And not every rose, that one as you

Deep in the recesses, of this silent mind
Exists the same universe, as witnessed with Out 
Come, meditate, and you will realize
The breath Inhaled, is the one that you breathe

Pardon me, my lord, for not listening enough to instinct
To insult my powers, in the name of intelligence
To question my feelings, judge actions of others
When we but are just medium, all run by our Karmas
Of what reason then this anger, the bitterness within..
If let life be led, just by instinct, not madness,
If nature be listened to, in every way she as mother, speaks
Every sip will be nectar, every breath as from green,
And every sight feel of beauty, as a newborn first seen

I've switched to

Dear reader, I've switched to WordPress upon getting the pop-up that the current Blogger app is not configured to the upgraded version ...